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* Where the hell has Anna been?
* On the Boat Again! * Cambodian Memories! * I AM FINE!!!! * Shop till you drop! Or hopefully not! * Hold on tight! * Just walk slowly! * Christmas in Halong Bay * Vang Vieng to Vientiane * Sabaideeeeee! * The Back of the Boat * The Tail End in the North * Ahhh! Trekking in the Jungle! * Loi Kathong Festival * Where has all the spicy food and coconut cakes gone? * Thanksgiving...Thai Style * Ayuthaya/Lopburi * Kanchanaburi * Kanchana...what? * Damnoen Saduk
November 21, 2004Kanchanaburi
The next day Aimee, Brigitte and I went to another National Park, Soi Yok Noi, to see another waterfall. But this was less impressive than the day before. However, we did go hiking into a deep, dark, cave! Yes! We hiked along a trail through some strange, dry, eerie, bamboo forest, until we finally came to this cave. Now I don't know what I had been thinking when I thought that we would go to a cave. I guess I had totally forgotten that I don't really like small places, or that I have never really been inside a real cave before. But when we arrived I saw that it was through some rocks and down a small small entrance. Now we met two other travelers at the cave, one being a man who had just gone inside before with his lighter. So he wanted to come back in with us again. We went inside, but the only light we had was my small small flash light and no extra batteries. We had to climb down many small tiny ladders and inch our way along the rocks. Finally we made it into an open area. You could see some stalagmites and stalagtites...but still totally eerie for me! I was trying to clam my nerves, and not think about where I was too much. Everyone wanted to continue on, so I pressed my nerves, with the thoght of "ok I can go with everyone else, or stay here in the complete pitch black darkness by myself...hmmmm I think I will go with everyone else!" So we continued down, following small painted arrows on the rocks. Down more ladders, across more rocks, up more ladders, over a springboard looking rock etc. Oh I was dripping with sweat from my nerves now. Saw more cool things, even a cave spider. But then we decided to turn back since we were not sure how long the small batteries were going to last. And I sure did not want to be crawling my way out of there in the dark! Whew! We were out! Yikes! That was enough for me! Went back to town, and ate at the market that night, some great food! The food here is so great, but not as spicy as I thought it would be...I think they see me and don't put any spices in i! Until later! Comments
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