Around the World Take Two |
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* Where the hell has Anna been?
* On the Boat Again! * Cambodian Memories! * I AM FINE!!!! * Shop till you drop! Or hopefully not! * Hold on tight! * Just walk slowly! * Christmas in Halong Bay * Vang Vieng to Vientiane * Sabaideeeeee! * The Back of the Boat * The Tail End in the North * Ahhh! Trekking in the Jungle! * Loi Kathong Festival * Where has all the spicy food and coconut cakes gone? * Thanksgiving...Thai Style * Ayuthaya/Lopburi * Kanchanaburi * Kanchana...what? * Damnoen Saduk
November 20, 2004Kanchana...what?
So I finally mastered how to say the name of the place where I was in, Kanachanaburi. Try saying that five times fast. At any rate I had a great time there. The next day I went to see Erawan Waterfalls. It was beautiful. I went with the two girls who I met on the bus the day before, Aimee and Brigitte. We took the public bus there, left at 8 am 26 baht. It only took about an hour and a half to get there, and the bus dropped us off right at the start of the trail head to hike to the seven tier water fall. We read that you can swim in the waterfalls, so we had our suits on ready to go. The waterfalls were very impressive. The first ones were big. The trail was easy enough to hike up, and each waterfall was labeled number 1, 2, 3, etc. I think we went swimming in waterfall number 4. Aimee and Brigitte went in the water first, there were huge fish! And they were bitting fish too! They said their toes kept getting bit! So when I got in the water, I got in fast, and swam over to a rock that was half in the water half outside, where we sat in the sun for awhile. Then we continue hiking up to the top of the falls. Along the way were small shrines with offerings, and ribbons wrapped around trees. We saw some monkies in the trees as we crossed a wooden bridge, and at the end we had to really go through an obstacle course, over logs, up bamboo laders, scrambling over rocks etc! It was so much fun! The seventh waterfall was the best! The water was a light color blue and this waterfall itself had a few tiers and different pools to swim in...and the best part was there were hardly any fish! We sat there a while and then hiked back down. Saw tons of monkies near the first fall when we left (a woman at the hostel later that night said she was bit by one monkey the next day!) Got the last bus back in to town at 4pm. Ate dinner back at our hostel, which is a floating hostel on the river. It was funny, Nita's, very cheap, but the Kareoke boats went past our hostel all night long so you could hear horrible singing all night. Don't worry, I just put in my ear plugs! Comments
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