Around the World Take Two |
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* Where the hell has Anna been?
* On the Boat Again! * Cambodian Memories! * I AM FINE!!!! * Shop till you drop! Or hopefully not! * Hold on tight! * Just walk slowly! * Christmas in Halong Bay * Vang Vieng to Vientiane * Sabaideeeeee! * The Back of the Boat * The Tail End in the North * Ahhh! Trekking in the Jungle! * Loi Kathong Festival * Where has all the spicy food and coconut cakes gone? * Thanksgiving...Thai Style * Ayuthaya/Lopburi * Kanchanaburi * Kanchana...what? * Damnoen Saduk
November 15, 2004A whole lot of shaking going on!
So never NEVER think things will never happen to you in your head! Upon my arrival back to Tokyo, I was in a book store and I remembered back to when I was on the boat and a teacher said "oh when you are in an earthquake in Tokyo and you are in a big building, the buildings just sway back and forth." At the time I said I had never experienced that before. Then, for some reason I thought of this when I entered the bookstore, and I was on the 7th floor. Well don't think too long, but an earthquake hit and the building was swaying back and forth and back and forth for a good 30 seconds, don't know if thats how long it lasted or that is just how long the building takes to stop swaying. YIKES! Immediately an annoucenment came on in Japanese, I have no idea what it said, but everyone just stood there and waited for it to finish, then it came on again and said not to use the elevators. I guess I hadn't noticed the earthquake for awhile when it started happening, guess I am still too used to the swaying motion from the boat! At anyrate, thank god I am from California, because it took all my courage not to run screaming out of the building, becuase if that had been the first earthquake I had ever experienced, I would have lost it. But really it wasnt so big. After I heard someone say that was the thrid one, don't know third one since when. Of course, later I found out that there were huge earthquakes centered in Nigata, North of Kanazawa. And I am sure as you all know now, they didn't stop there...they kept going for the whole first week that I was in Kanazawa, but luckily I didn't feel anymore! So now I can't say that I have never been in an earthquake in Tokyo! Comments
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