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March 05, 2005¿Donde está el baño?
I have no idea if what I am about to say is standard across Europe or it is just in Spain. Sometimes a trip to the bathroom adds some excitement to your day. I´m not sure the exact reason, but I am thinking it is all due to to an attempt to save money and conserve electricity. In many of the bathrooms I have come across the light is on a timer. Usually, you hit it and it shuts off automatically after a pre-determined time. I think we can all agree this is good. Saves money. Saves electricity. Helps the environment. Everyone wins right? (except for the energy industry, but fuck em...they got enough already). Well, sometimes a good thing goes bad. (just like in those "Faces of Death Movies") On a side note, anyone see the one where the guy is feeding a bear outside his car and his wife is telling him to be careful and he ignores her. He´s thinking to himself, "Sure honey...whatever you say." And then BAM, the bear attacks him and kills him. Trust me, it was every bit as funny as it sounds. But, I digress...back to the bathroom humor. There are certain bathrooms here that I have used where this becomes a problem. How you ask? Simple. You enter the bathroom and turn on the light. Then, you have to hit another button and step into the toilet area. Two separate lights, two separate rooms (more or less) and one door in the middle. How is this a problem you ask? Well, riddle me this. What happens when you are in the toilet and the light turns off as time expires? (remember the door is shut) What happens when you are caught off-guard and move suddenly? You get piss on your shoes, pants, or worse. Even worse, what happens if you are "unavailable"? How do you open the door and get the light back on? An answer for that one would be appreciated. Now, keep in mind, none of this happened to me. I just sit outside bathrooms all day and watch it happen to poor, unsuspecting victims to provide information and humor to all of you. And if this is too much information for some of you...I really don´t care. You´re the ones doing the reading...I only report the news. Just like Fox. Comments
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