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November 15, 2004My First Job
Well, unfortunately for me, I can´t stay unemployed forever. I would like to though. But it was nice while it lasted...that´s for sure. I do believe that my liver will be a bit happier now that I have a job and will curtail some of the partying. I know my bank account balance may be taken off life support due to the combination of an actual income and the lessening of my night time social activities. But, to get to my point... Any Obsessive Compulsive´s out there might want to consider avoiding teaching English. It may have you running to the Pharmacy for a stronger prescription. Here´s how I got my first paid job. Timeline 10:30 AM - Job interview across Madrid. 11:45 AM - Wake up feeling sick. And mom by "sick" I mean "sick" not "hungover". 12:30 PM - Eat lunch. 01:00 PM - Realize I am running a bit late for that job interview this morning (2.5 hours) 01:30 PM - Screen one phone call because it "felt" like someone I didn´t want to talk to at the moment 01:45 PM - Received another call from "Ross Language School". Here´s our conversation - 03:00 PM - Meeting the director at the school. I looked like garbage because I wasn´t feel well at all. Talking to the guy who hired me. Uh oh, there´s some kind of emergency and he has to leave. (I think to myself, "this can only end badly for me.") Unfortunately, he was the only one that spoke English (looks like I was right). The owner comes into the room and gives me directions and covers some basic info with me (in spanish). 03:05 PM - I leave. I am now a teacher, starting tomorrow. 03:08 PM - Walking to the metro I begin thinking, "Wait a minute. What the fuck am I teaching tomorrow? Where is this place?" 03:09 PM - "How do I get there? How much am I getting paid? How many people are in the class?" 03:10 PM - "Who do I talk to at this company? What book do I use? 03:11 PM - "How many kids am I teaching tomorrow night? What level are they at?" 03:12 PM - "Wait a minute...where the hell am I right now?" Apparently, while I was lost in thought wondering what the hell I am doing tomorrow, I walked like 2 blocks past the metro station. Oh well, just roll with it. This is pretty much how it works here though. I know people that interviewed for a job in the morning and were teaching by 2pm. If you are one of those "OCD" types (and you know who you are Frome) I wouldn´t recommend teaching least in Spain. I have no idea if it is like this everywhere or just here. You´ve been forewarned! Comments
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