BootsnAll Travel Network

Settling down

After another crazy summer across Poland, Isle of Man, Scotland, Spain, Belgium and the UK it is time to settle down for the time being in the lovely city of Leiden, in the Netherlands. I will attempt to write a bit about my journey as a foreigner here trying to make sense of a new country and jump through the hoops required to live here!

I am doing a masters here which will take about 10 months and so this will be the longest I have been in one place for awhile! Its a beautiful little town, well connected to Europe and a great uni so really looking forward to the year ahead

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2 responses to “Settling down”

  1. Ivan says:

    Great blog Arnika! I think I’m very much your male simulacrum! Born in NZ (Auckland though, poor Christchurch :-(!) having also done the masters thing to avoid work for a bit, with eventual hopes of saving the world in some NGO type fashion, … traveled a lot in between…and am off to Iran, the middle east and perhaps eastern Europe for another solo 3 month adventure next month. It’s nice to find a kindred spirit.

    I’m on FB if you use that thing…Ivan Steward

    Be well!

  2. Arnika says:

    Thanks Ivan! Always good to know of more kiwi’s out there living the dream.

    Unfortunately I am stuck living normal life for a bit…almost finished studying so *gasp* might try real work for the first time.But then I can save some money for new adventures and get back on the road again one day soon…perhaps we will cross paths some time

    Have fun in Iran- its awesome!

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