Tag Archives: Bjorn
Hagia Sofia interior

Basilica Cistern, Aya Sofia, the Blue Mosque, and the Bus Tour

We’re behind again. Darn. Alright, Istanbul… Basilica Cistern On our first day there we began a long hike searching for our hotel. Dad punched the address into his ipad and we started off. After a long time (seemed longed because we were carrying our enormous packs) we were very tired. Dad spotted a sign for […]

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gingerbread cookies

Christmas in Bulgaria

December 18 – 25 Crossing the Border in Santa Hats The Bulgarian border crossing guards looked into our train compartment and immediately started laughing and speaking to us in Bulgarian. Emma, Bjorn and I wore the santa hats that I bought at the Euro store in Athens. The guards obviously thought this was quite amusing […]

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Theater of Dyonysus

The Acropolis

On our second day on Athens we took the long hike from our apartment to the Acropolis hill. One dog companion later, we arrived at the Parthenon. They had rebuilt an impressive amount, and half of the ruins were new marble bricks. We hiked through the ruins, and came out in a large open area […]

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Margit expertly riding her horse


A week or so ago, we stopped in the small town of Wadi Musa. That towns main reason for existing was probably the nearby site of Petra. The second day there we got the incredibly nice people working at the hotel to drive us to the ancient city. The walk was long and strenuous, but […]

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Ruins of the Ancients

(pretty cool title, huh?) So, after another enormous writing hiatus, we have an abundance of time to write and post in the small tourist town of Dahab. It’s a great place, with nice beaches and a comfortable atmosphere. But as usual, I am getting ahead of myself. I’ll start the day we left the cruise […]

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light show…

Pyramids of Giza

A few days ago we took a cab across Cairo to Giza. The first thing that I noticed was the way the city came right up to the pyramids. Then I realized how huge they were. They were really amazing. We saw the sphinx first. I think the paws were waaay to long. The three […]

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camel dung

Arabian Nights

Four days ago we walked out of our hotel to face four camels lounging about in the sand. They were to take us across the desert. Of course, we got on, and thus started out our desert expedition. The first two hours were spent getting away from society and into the endless desert. The camels […]

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the ear cave


Sicily I am really sorry we haven’t been keeping up on our blog. We decided that we are going to use Sicily as our hanging out area, so we decided to relax and not post much on our blog. In Paris our time was taken up with sightseeing. The computer was used either for booking […]

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Heracleum baths floor

Postcards to Caeser

(I don’t think this title means much, but Mom insists.) We are in Syracuse, Sicily, and are having a very good time. After a bit of a searching for a nice hotel, we found a really great one, and settled right in. But first, I need to talk about our visit to the once great […]

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view from the eye


August 18 When we arrived in London we went on the underground to our hotel on Belsize park. At the hotel we layed down and went to sleep. Later in the day we met Alex and Julia (our friends that decided to meet us in London). We went to their place and watched television and […]

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