Happy New Year! After eight wonderful days in the Bulgarian ski resort town of Borovets, we headed back to the capital, Sofia. Its name comes from a beautiful old church in the city, the Hagia Sophia, a name meaning, the holy wisdom. It is one of the best cities I have been to that I […]
Christmas in Bulgaria
by long4adventure on 24. Dec, 2010 in Bjorn, Bulgaria, Emma
December 18 – 25 Crossing the Border in Santa Hats The Bulgarian border crossing guards looked into our train compartment and immediately started laughing and speaking to us in Bulgarian. Emma, Bjorn and I wore the santa hats that I bought at the Euro store in Athens. The guards obviously thought this was quite amusing […]
Strike in Athens
by long4adventure on 23. Dec, 2010 in Europe, Greece
December 13- 17 The story of our stay in Athens is the story of strikes. The transportation workers were on strike most of the week which meant that with a few exceptions, we had to walk everywhere we went. It was a good way to get some exercise. However, we walked from our apartment to […]
The Acropolis
by long4adventure on 21. Dec, 2010 in Greece
On our second day on Athens we took the long hike from our apartment to the Acropolis hill. One dog companion later, we arrived at the Parthenon. They had rebuilt an impressive amount, and half of the ruins were new marble bricks. We hiked through the ruins, and came out in a large open area […]
by long4adventure on 12. Dec, 2010 in Bjorn, Jordan
A week or so ago, we stopped in the small town of Wadi Musa. That towns main reason for existing was probably the nearby site of Petra. The second day there we got the incredibly nice people working at the hotel to drive us to the ancient city. The walk was long and strenuous, but […]
by long4adventure on 12. Dec, 2010 in Beach, Emma, Greece
We arrived in Plakias in our rental car which we got in Heraklion. At first we had a little trouble finding an apartment to stay. Since it was winter most of the hotels and apartments were closed, and Bjorn and I wanted a place by the beach. We finally got a place a little bit […]
Three Countries in One Day
by long4adventure on 08. Dec, 2010 in Beach, Egypt, Greece, Jordan, scuba diving
December 8, 2010 After a week or so of travel we’ve landed on the southern coast of Crete. I’m looking out at rugged mountains and calm seas. The unseasonable warm temperatures make the Christmas decorations in the stores here seem very out of place. Ten days ago, we left Dahab reluctantly after an eleven day […]
Sea Not the Way There
by long4adventure on 27. Nov, 2010 in Beach, Egypt, scuba diving
For Dahab, the four days in Hurghada was a great act to follow. Hurghada is on the Red Sea, and diving is done there, but the reefs have been poorly cared for, reportedly leaving poor diving. It is a large, strung-out coastal city that has been recently developed, and consists mainly of large, package-tour resorts, […]
Thanksgiving on the Red Sea
by long4adventure on 26. Nov, 2010 in Beach, Egypt, scuba diving
November 25 Our day was quite unlike any other Thanksgiving Day. We woke early and after a breakfast of french toast, we put on our swim suits and walked a half hour down the beach to the Bedouin Divers. We realized this would be a different dive experience because instead of putting our gear on […]
Ruins of the Ancients
by long4adventure on 23. Nov, 2010 in Egypt
(pretty cool title, huh?) So, after another enormous writing hiatus, we have an abundance of time to write and post in the small tourist town of Dahab. It’s a great place, with nice beaches and a comfortable atmosphere. But as usual, I am getting ahead of myself. I’ll start the day we left the cruise […]
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