BootsnAll Travel Network

Last day in Peru

Tomorrow morning I’m flying to Medellín, Colombia, the 18th and final country of my trip (unless I get deported somewhere when I try and re-enter the USA) and I’ve been looking forward to the flight since I finished the inca trail.  We’re back in Lima now for the night, 15 hour bus ride from Arequipa, thankfully my last bus ride in Peru.  It’s amazing how perceptions of places change with perspective.  Now that I’m back in the same hostel I stayed at my first few days in Peru I think it’s a really nice area, calm, quiet, clean etc.  Where as when I arrived I though it was loud, noisy, a little run down…  I liked it then and I like it now, but the difference is coming from Chile & Argentina or coming from the rest of Peru, which is full of louder more polluted streets, far worse looking areas (in tourist towns even), loads of people trying to sell you things everywhere you go and in general, over rated sights.

Machu Picchu is cool, though not as amazingly impressive as I thought, Nazca is a shithole, Arequipa, while an ok (still overrated) city is extremely polluted and noisy due to the insane amount of taxis everywhere and Cusco, which does have impressive sights in and around it, is also full to the brim with people on every street corner trying to sell you something.  The most impressive sight for me here was the Andes, the most dramatic mountains I’ve ever seen in terms of sheer vertical size.  It is these mountains all around that make Machu Picchu look so impressive.  I’m ready for Colombia, enough said on that.

We have 12 days in Colombia, before the flight to Miami.  Not very long, I’m wishing now I had the 3 weeks in Colombia and just spent the 12 days in Peru.  Can’t change that now so I’ll just have to see what my little time (and money) allow in Colombia.  If I really like it there than I’ll just have to go back in the future to see more of it.  Ending Peru on a somewhat high note, we just had a dinner consisting of a platter featuring 4 different criolla style dishes, which is by far the culinary highlight here.  The ceviche being the highlight, delicious.

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