toilet, transport and traditional crafts
Brasov, Romania
So some of the kids think it’s gonna be a real boring post….just updating info about toilets-n-stuff. Let’s see if I can convince them it’s a blog-worthy topic.
Well, they read the toilet page, and laughed. They remembered and laughed. They also groaned and exclaimed and sighed and questioned. If you, the reader, has even half the response, it will be classed as a successful post!
Let’s see if I can do the same with transport.
No. I didn’t expect so, but there are lots of good memories and interesting observations all the same. Hopping in our van will never be the same again. When you are walking along the road and you’re overtaken by a horse or ox or donkey, you notice a few things. Firstly, they create very little audible pollution – you hear nothing until they are almost upon you and then there is just a gentle plodding or clip-clopping. Secondly, they have a nice earthy smell – no petrol fumes. Of course, if you are comparing horses with cars from a speedy persepctive, the animal does not fare so well (although there is something special about galloping across a plain), but if your alternative is walking, they are a desirable option. When you are walking along the street and a donkey overtakes you, you realise it actually trots along quite quickly. Besides, animals respond to you in a way a metal carriage doesn’t!
If you’re a crafter, you’ll be fascinated with the traditional crafts page…and I noticed when compiling the pictures, that recreation in many parts of the world can hardly be separated from creative arts, and in particular, to *being creative* as opposed to merely entertained. By the way, crafting is not a girly domain – you’ll find a Mongolian bowmaker (one of only two left in the country) and an old Thai man fashioning himself a new gun.
Tags: 2008/09, children, craft, postcard: Romania, recreation, transport
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