BootsnAll Travel Network

f) Transport traditions

“Didn’t people use horse and carts just in the olden days?” one of the children enquired one day. So we dragged out Mama’s and Dadda’s Poland photos of us-n-horse-n-cart from the early nineties and assured them this was NOT the olden days, even though the kids weren’t born yet and we did look considerably younger (hmmmm is there a correlation????) 😉

We have always had only one vehicle – a conscious, sometimes inconvenient, decision.
I had read somewhere at some stage (I’m not big on details, sorry) that only a very small percentage of the world’s population have access to a private vehicle other than a bicycle.
Deciding to not purchase a second car, was one small way I could choose to “sacrifice” in order to free up money to help others.
And it would seem I had somehow thought the children would understand my reasonings without explanation. But what an unrealsitic expectation – after all, they don’t know many families other than ours that only have one vehicle. They don’t know many Dads who ride their bicycles to work. Their experience of the world is that *most* people drive everywhere, oftentimes one family arriving in two different cars!

So we’re going to look for *how* the world moves around.
We invite you to join us for the ride on this page.

types of transport we have used:
Aeroplane x2
Junk Bicycle (6 tandems, 18 solos, 3 tandems with extra seat, 4 bamboo baby seats)
~barge pushed by tugboat x1
~bumboat x3
~ferry x16
~glorified canoe x1
~hydrofoil x1
~junk x1
~paddle boat x4
~rowboat x1
~slow boat x3
Bus x69 (both local and express…and an overnight sleeper)
Bus (double-decker) x8
Bus (trolleybus) x4
Cyclo (high-seated Phnom Penh variety) x4
Elephant x4
Escalator (the longest outdoor one in the world) x1
Escalator (the deepest into the earth) x1
Fast lift x2
Feet x20
“Golfcart” at border x1
Horse x3 + one horse and cart
Motorbike x4
Motorhomes x2
Open back truck x1
Oxcart x1
Private car x14
Taxis x45 (need three at a time in some places!), Taxivan x3, Taxitruck x3
Tow truck x2!!!!
~daytime x5
~overnight x8
~landtrain x1 (at Delphi – in case we forget what this was!)
~LRT x3
~skytrain x1
~underground/Metro x9 (Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Beijing, Moscow, St Petersburg, Berlin, Rome, Budapest) – multiple trips on each
Tram x7
Tram (double decker) x1
Trishaw (low-seated Penang sort) x3
Tuktuk x25
Vans x18

Rob is signalling me to come….

…but I’m too busy standing in the middle of the road taking photos!

yes, that seat is held on with a shoelace!


overnight bus – three rows stacked two high – very short beds!

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3 responses to “f) Transport traditions”

  1. Allie says:

    Those are just overwhelming photos… what a long way you have been!

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