winter wander
Saturday, June 16th, 2012Five years ago we headed out to Karekare, our favourite black sand wild west coast beach, on a windy day in the middle of winter.
We took the photo that has since been our trademark…
Today, again the middle of winter, and no less windy, we returned to the same spot…
Often we were asked why we did not have a faces-showing photo…..five years ago, with children ranging from just one year old to twelve, it was tricky to get everyone looking straight at the camera, smiling and not squinting or grimacing or pulling faces and not sticking legs out to trip each other up – ack, who am I kidding? simply looking pleasant would have been good enough! So we walked away from the camera, and decided that would do.
Turns out, five years on, things aren’t too different…..
Figuring that reducing the numbers of participants would improve the odds for a good shot, we sent the frozen girls running down the beach to warm up while we arranged the boys on an old log sticking out of the sand. Unfortunately there is not one photo that they are all happy to share! Noone wants to be the one famous in blogland for having his eyes closed or lips pursed.
But the girls, on their return, took the award for favourite-photos-of-the-day:
We were also asked why there were not so many photos of the parents, so here’s a start.