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Archive for November, 2007

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holding our breath

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

How many children are you allowed if you live in China?
How many do we have?
Did we consider that this might be a problem with regards to working at a university-with-government-ties?
Yes, we did.
And it is starting to look like our concerns may have been well-founded.

We’ll know on Monday.

But even if this door slams shut, there are more doors into China. Even if we can’t go and work there for three months, we can still fly to Hong Kong, hop on a train and get off it in Beijing. We just might have to change the time frame. It won’t be the end of the world.


Friday, November 2nd, 2007

A neighbourhood kid has just been to Disneyland.
No longer are our trip conversations centred around service-opportunities;-)

“We’d like to go to Disneyland too”
“It sounds like so much fun”
“What do you think Dad would say?”
“I’m sure he’d like it”
“He DID like it. We went on the fourth of July on our honeymoon. We were there when it opened and didn’t leave till it closed. Two in the morning or something.”
“Two in the morning? Really? After midnight?”

They didn’t realise we could be so crazy.

And it WAS fun.

But we’re not going to Los Angeles.
And shouldn’t we visit the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame if we are in Paris? Not Disneyland!

Then what should turn up on Boots-n-all, but a post about Hong Kong Disneyland. I didn’t even know there was one. Well, actually, there’s only half of what you’ll find in the other Disney Parks, but
a) that’s still more than plenty coz we’re not going to drag a two-year-old round a theme park till two in the morning AND, more importantly,
b) it costs half as much as the other parks 🙂

Half as much is still not cheap when you have to do the times ten thing though.
But the kids are scheming.
No fireworks next week.
No icecreams over summer, not even when we go camping. *Especially* not when we’re camping – coz it costs twice as much for icecream up there as it does at home and so we’ll save even more!!
All coins found on the pavement, under supermarket counters and down the back of Grandpa’s couch go in the Disneyland Jar. And to kick-start the jar we’re doing a Loose Change Hunt.

Will they manage to save $400 in the next ten months?