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Archive for September, 2008

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wrapped in love

Monday, September 29th, 2008

Dolls had not made it to the list of Things To Take With Us. Not even for the barely-out-of-toddler-hood pair of sisters. But how could we leave these behind?

One dark-haired, one blonde, just like our two little girls.


They are as small as Thumbelina, lovingly crafted from wool by Nova.

But, wait, that’s not all.

Not only did Nova make the dolls AND sew up two raincapes for these little girlies (the real girls, not the dolly-ones), but she made an up-sized mother-cape too.

I sew. But I don’t like to sew.
Hence, I breathed a huge sigh of relief when Super-Nova-Sew-er agreed to take this job off my hands!!! Of course, I *could* have just gone out and bought a few jackets (as, indeed, we did for the other children), but there’s something satisfying about supporting local business, about meeting the person whose life is stitched together with your own. Besides, Little People grow ever-so-quickly…and these capes are designed to grow right along with them.
As for Rob, he’ll be buying *made in China*…when we get there!

money grows on trees

Sunday, September 28th, 2008

yes it does, it really does…..see……

A dear friend delivered a moneytree to contribute to our Big Brother Mouse fundraising efforts. It was amazing!!!!

And this morning Grandpa offered another donation in exchange for weeding his garden. So money and trees….yes, they go together.

When we first thought about collecting money to give to BBM, our vision was small…..a book party, which would cost a few hundred dollars. But through the generosity of many people we have managed to gather enough for that AND to get a new book published as well. Thank you to everyone who gave – we really appreciate you getting behind our efforts. From flower presses to silent auction, from one side of Auckland to the other on a sponsored walk, and in spite of not getting out any vital information in the television interview, we’ve tried to raise awareness, and people from all walks of life have been so supportive….the grand total so far is $2,400.

Having a look at the Big Brother Mouse website today, the children picked out The Grasshopper War as the book they would like to sponsor. We now need to contact BBM and make sure that will be OK.

the place we’ve been calling home

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

growing our food...

buying what we don't grow...

kids working hard...

kids ... [Continue reading this entry]

the last birthday

Thursday, September 25th, 2008
before we go away

what *was* I thinking?

Thursday, September 25th, 2008
I suspect I had a nagging suspcicion at the back of my mind that even though I used to be able to travel a long way on my bicycle, "used to" is not now. "Used to" was fifteen years and ... [Continue reading this entry]

apparently Sydney

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008
Apparently.....if you spend less than 24 hours in Sydney, you don't pay departure tax. Apparently you can get from the International Terminal to Circular Quay, which is just a very short walk from the Opera House, in about 20 minutes on ... [Continue reading this entry]

weed garden – done

Monday, September 22nd, 2008
Another job done. The patch looks bare with only a few onions, leeks, silverbeet, lettuces and gone-to-seed- cabbages remaining from winter. The rhubarb and strawberries are about to burst into life. The brussel sprouts can officially be deemed ... [Continue reading this entry]

the calendar is full

Sunday, September 21st, 2008
Thank goodness there are only 14 days to go. We have got something on every single one of those days, and in some cases two or three things. Last week wasn't too different either - we had *one* free night.

[Continue reading this entry]

WorkWorld meets FamilyWorld

Saturday, September 20th, 2008
“So is your house always this tidy or did you guys have to spend the whole day fixing it up for us?” The question was fired past the mother to the children, a smile on the face of the asker, ... [Continue reading this entry]

What are you doing about the kids’ education?

Thursday, September 18th, 2008
This question is *the most frequently asked* one at the moment. I think people have realised that we really truly are taking the kids off for a jaunt around the world in a couple of weeks. And anyone who gives ... [Continue reading this entry]