Saturday, December 26th, 2009on the plane towards Dubai tonight….and onwards
It’s our last day before the homeward flight tonight.
Kboy12 talks incessantly – he does that when he’s excited.
The bags are packed and stacked in the storage room. We have to confess to taking home more than we brought away – the allure of Istanbul shopping and the knowledge that we would not have to put our packs on our backs again mean we have filled them up to capacity and then have two extra boxes as well! We’re bringing home ceramic tiles and Turkish towels, a sparkly lamp and hanging light, not to mention a pile of notebooks, bookmarks and the obligatory Turkish Delight!
In the practical sense we’re ready to go home.
But we have time to kill and take a final walk, go for last shish kebabs, continue to insist to every carpet-seller, who stops us that we are not buying any Turkish rugs no matter how much we’d like to.
For two weeks we’ve been in Turkey and for the first time today we discover a brilliant BLUE sky. A summery blue beckoning us homewards.
These grey days….
….have turned into brilliant blue. We walk the same route already taken often – past the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, actually past lots of mosques…it all looks so different in bright light, and there’s always something different to see:
We return to the hostel, hoping to convince smallish children to nap. They do.
Whenever someone stands up ERgirl3 asks if we’re going “to our home in Zealand now”.
We are.