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that would be a yes

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

As a family we’ve been asking God what work He has prepared for us to do while we travel. We’ve been flicking off emails to a few *projects* that have caught our attention.
Mostly we get no reply. Occasionally we get a polite denial.
Yesterday we received the most promising answer yet:

We’d be delighted to welcome you to K***t and spend time at our
school. It is particularly good for us when we have experienced second
language teachers to give advice and help us improve.

Although our teaching is just in the evenings, we hope that by the
time you are here, we will have our day learning centre up and
running. Here we hope to have learning activities, art and craft, life
skills and health education going. We are still in early stages of our
project but you can track our progress at the school blog.

I think it perfectly possible for your older children to help. My
niece (12, Scottish) was here for a few days and she turned out to be
quite an inspired young teacher.

How exciting is that?

a pack for everyone

Friday, February 8th, 2008


First walk with everyone carrying a pack….OK, so the Little One didn’t have hers…..can you blame us? It was sweltering hot, backs got sticky, M5 didn’t complain again and was as proud of it as last time (so hope that lasts for longer than today’s six kilometres), T3 emphatically declared twenty uphill metres from home, “I can’t manage any more”, but she did.

ready to walk

from expo to embassy

Saturday, February 2nd, 2008
I came away from today's Travel Expo with an armful of glossy brochures for the children to cut up (coz there's no way we'll be booking on any of those tours!) and one important piece of information: it is nigh ... [Continue reading this entry]

all the way from Macpac

Monday, December 3rd, 2007
macpac package "Mama, there's a courier.....he's left a big box.....A Big Box Mum.....he needs you to sign for's from's a big box've got to see it." Oh the excitement. I even managed to grab the camera, move ... [Continue reading this entry]

holding our breath

Thursday, November 29th, 2007
How many children are you allowed if you live in China? How many do we have? Did we consider that this might be a problem with regards to working at a university-with-government-ties? Yes, we did. And it is starting to look like our concerns ... [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, November 2nd, 2007
A neighbourhood kid has just been to Disneyland. No longer are our trip conversations centred around service-opportunities;-) "We'd like to go to Disneyland too" "It sounds like so much fun" "What do you think Dad would say?" "I'm sure he'd like it" "He DID like it. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hit A Roadblock…no, TWO

Monday, October 29th, 2007
So Russia has decided you can only apply for visas in your country of origin. And they are only valid for ninety days from when they are issued. How on earth does one travel through Russia when one has been ... [Continue reading this entry]

Handy Wee Planning Gadget

Sunday, October 28th, 2007
I've just found this. I had already made up a spreadsheet on my own computer, but lack the skills (as yet) to put up a table in HTML prevented me from adding it to our planning pages on the ... [Continue reading this entry]

No Turning Back Now!

Thursday, October 25th, 2007
Arriving in Mongolia it was gently snowing. But as we travelled down the river it got warmer and warmer....until we happened upon a castle where famous dignitaries had been entertained. Our "boat" with special runners that allowed it to run ... [Continue reading this entry]

Episode Two

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
There's an Associate Head of School job going in the organisation Rob works for now. Not in the United Arab Emirates this time; just up the road, in fact. But they wouldn't want to be sending their AHoS to China next ... [Continue reading this entry]