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New Season, Episode One

Friday, October 12th, 2007

Over a decade ago, Rob went to work and a colleague had put a job advertisement on his desk.
It was actually for the job he was hoping he would move into in ten years’ time. He applied, got the job, and now…..he went to work yesterday and a colleague had emailed him a job advertisement.

It’s a three year contract in the United Arab Emirates.

Now, hang on. We’re going to minus twenty degrees and snow in Mongolia.
Not fifty degrees on the Arabian peninsula.

We had decided leaving for China in February was a bit too soon.
So how could you even consider a “start as soon as possible” job?

You were a bit iffy about taking 12 months leave without pay.
How could you walk out on your job altogether?

We wanted a break from rampant materialism.
Wouldn’t that be the LAST place on earth to go to fulfill that goal???

Actually, I didn’t say any of these things to Rob. I asked him what he wanted to do. I asked him if he were serious! I asked him how things were at work.
I re-discovered that, although the pay packet was very appealing, there’s more to life than money. I discovered anew that Rob puts wife and children before himself. While it would be an interesting job for him, from what he’s heard, it’s a pretty dismal existence for the spouses (I’m not sure why, but maybe we can find out). And so because of that, he’s not really interested at all.

We woke up this morning and I said, “Why don’t you just apply and see if you get it? They probably won’t even give the job to someone with eight kids. You could always turn it down if you decide you don’t want to go.”

No wonder my wild and wacky friend (oops, here’s what she said about that last time I called her that: you can call me pathologically cynical, socially challenged, borderline-Aspergers, absent-minded to the point of danger, you can call me an empty wreck of a woman, but just don’t call me wacky!) friend said, “Rachael, your life is my favourite TV series.”

ancient, old, long in the tooth

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

We have a jar of questions/statements/riddles on the dining room table to prompt dinner-time discussion. Sounds like it’s a regular thing, doesn’t it?Actually, we just started this week!
The first question was: what is your earliest memory? Poor old M5 blurted out “I can’t remember anything” – I guess he doesn’t really have much of a history yet!
But Grandpa does. He thought he couldn’t remember back very far, but he does have three quarters of a century to go! He made it almost to the beginning, to an incident when their family was leaving India to head back to England on the ship……which somehow led to the brothers counting chickenpox on each other……to a model biplane on an aunt’s mantlepiece, which he wasn’t allowed to touch… a game another aunt had, a wooden one with a stick in the corner of a board from which hung a ball on a string, and there were skittles to knock over…….

“I’ve seen that”, J13 cried gleefully, “there’s one at the Howick Historic Village”

Ah yes, old, old, history is old, and another link is made, on the blog and between the generations.

Love those dinnertime discussions.

nourishing traditions

Thursday, October 4th, 2007
bread baking It's pumpkin soup and freshly-baked bread for dinner tonight. I wonder what we'll be eating in a year's time. We'll just be beginning our adventure into the food of other cultures and hopefully there will be some culinary ... [Continue reading this entry]


Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007
We're going to need a miracle. So this will be a good place to link to the Seeing God page in the sidebar;-) The nurse from our medical centre just called with the news of which vaccinations we need and ... [Continue reading this entry]


Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007
We went to the doctor today to find out what vaccinations we need! "What don't we need?" is more like it!! But that's not what this post is about. On the way home the children were chanting in turn one - two - ... [Continue reading this entry]

traditional crafts

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007
Over the past few years I've joined the resurgence of Young(-ish, in my case) People tuning in to the joys of slowly-made hand-crafted items. I record much of what I make on one of my other blogs: intricateSIMPLICITY It seems to ... [Continue reading this entry]

life’s a beach

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007
<a href="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Beach walks are one of our favourite recreational activities. No matter how mnay times we go to Karekare, it is different every time. Today was the first time we have ... [Continue reading this entry]

special sponsors

Monday, September 24th, 2007
Sponsorship isn't just a big corporate affair. Some of our *sponsors* are people I feel fortunate enough to be able to call friends, people I met online, and have subsequently had the privilege of meeting face-to-face (with the exception of ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, September 22nd, 2007
I wondered why Pilgrims' Progress was suddenly a hot destination when I hadn't even posted anything for a couple of days. Here's why: click me. Thanks Kristen! can see this post is inspired by Kristen's own submission - thanks ... [Continue reading this entry]

let me off this see-saw

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007
Remember Rob suggested we look at going up to China for the February teaching instead of August? We had decided there just wasn't time to get organised.....sewing clothes, applying for passports, buying gear, booking flights and accomodation, getting immunisations, applying for ... [Continue reading this entry]