BootsnAll Travel Network

happy mothers’ day

by a daughter
Berlin, Germany

The tulips are blooming in the streets, but the ones in the flower shop across from where we are staying looked a little closed up. So how about a pink posy?


It’s Saturday night here, which means soon it will be Sunday morning for you.
I’ve sent you email greetings, but it seems perhaps our emails are disappearing into a big black hole in cyberspace and so I’ve posted here, too, to make sure you get it.

Rachael xx

(just changed the date stamp on this to bump up the new posts)

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2 responses to “happy mothers’ day”

  1. Gran and Pa says:

    HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to the mother of our grand children.
    Blessings and peace on you.

  2. Jenny Carryer says:

    I have just spent a long time on this wet Sunday evening reading your incredible blog. It is more exciting than many of the books I am reading. I am sure this story will be a book one day. I have read it all the way, but realise that unless I say something, you have no idea of any many of us there in ciber space are keeping up with you. I love granpa’s blog too….quite another perspective. I am beginning to think of going to China again. Maureen, Janine, Judi S and I are going to Mongolia for a visit before we start work in September….makes your blog even more interesting.

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