BootsnAll Travel Network

a Pre-Big-Trip Mini-Trial-Run Possibility

Cheap airfares to anywhere around the country have prompted us to consider flying down to Wellington for a Capital Getaway. We’d visit Te Papa (because we *like* museums) and the Beehive (where bickering bullies aka politicians pass laws the majority of the population disagree with).
Then we’d be at the train station by 7am in time to catch the 12 hour Overlander home again, home again, jiggety jig.

It would be preparation for The Big One. Sitting on a train all day would give the kids a taste of the coming train trek from Hong Hong to London. Just a taste. And they’d get to see a bit of their own country. And practise not-getting-lost-at-the-airport. And Rob wouldn’t have to drive. And, even better still, I wouldn’t have to drive either.


The train costs almost three times as much as the plane – although, I will concede it is infinitely better value on a per minute basis. So, not only will the train take twelve times as long and cost three times as much, but children are expected to pay a full adult fare. Unless you count being able to choose not to pay for the two year old – but before you take up this exceedingly generous offer, get yourself a two year old, and an uncomfortable armchair. Place the chair a seven-metre walk from your bathroom and then sit in the chair. For 12 hours. With the two-year-old on your knee. Toilet breaks will be allowed. But, whatever you do, do not go outside. Because In Real Life, the train might leave while you’re still standing on the platform.

Should we do it? Or $ave the dollar$ for The Big One?

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0 responses to “a Pre-Big-Trip Mini-Trial-Run Possibility”

  1. Sharonnz says:

    Well, of course my answer is going to be “Come on down”!

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