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Archive for March, 2008

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“quote of the day”

Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

“In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it.” ~ Robert Heinlein (1907-1988)

World Travellers, Part I

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

Is our trip going to make any world records? Unlikely. We’re not going the fastest or furtherest or highest or longest or anything remarkable. We’re neither walking all the way nor eating only rice (though we did consider that). There are lots of people who have travelled / are travelling / plan to travel to places we will not encounter; some of them *will* break or make records.
We have been inspired by some of their stories, have gleaned useful information from others and have just plain enjoyed still more.

Each week we’re going to add another of our favourites to the World Traveller blogroll to your right. We’ll kick off with one of the first Mr Google introduced us to: Six In The World. They endeared themselves to us forever when they visited Krakow, Poland and declared it to be one of their favourite places. Rob and I lived there for the first couple of years that we were married and fell in love with the place too. Their adventures were not limited to Europe – they started in New Zealand and travelled through Australia, South East Asia, India, Africa and South America as well. Even though they’ve been home a while now, their blog still remains a source of great information.

waif alert

Thursday, March 13th, 2008
One of our *little girls* always looks like a waif, no matter what we do with her / to her / for her / about her. So it seemed pointless to tidy her up for her passport photo: [Continue reading this entry]


Wednesday, March 12th, 2008
eleven one-way tickets to Singapore Oh, do you know how exciting it is to write that? It gives me butterflies in my tummy. We leave here on Monday 6th October, just before 9 in the morning. K9, in particular, is pleased ... [Continue reading this entry]

extreme passport

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008
Thoroughly frustrated, but confident that the late hour was a contributor to our inability to *make it work*, we went to bed. It should have been a simple matter. Passport photos for all. Of course we could have gone into a Passport-Making-Place ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, March 11th, 2008
Do you see our little tickers up there? They will track our progress at raising funds to support the work being done in Laos by the guys at Big Brother Mouse. Our first goal is to be able to [Continue reading this entry]

progress party

Friday, March 7th, 2008
We're almost in party mode here.........we came *this close* (hold finger and thumb in front of your nose, not too far apart) to booking tickets today.......... In the meantime there's the Ultimate Blog Party in full swing. Ultimate Blog  ... <a href=[Continue reading this entry]