BootsnAll Travel Network


On the operating table this morning, the 83 year old provided the longest, most involved cataract surgery we’d observed. Most were completed in <20 minutes. Less time than a haircut to make an incision in your eye, break apart a cloudy lens, suck it through a mini vacuum, and stuff in an artificial lens. But, this one was older. Parts and pieces were brittle, creaky, leaky, increasing pressure, demanding more time. Good day to play like a kid. We went to Marina Beach where the locals flock in the evening for shopping, sitting beachside, and fair-like festivities. We bought kites and were introduced to "kite-fighting" by 12-year-old Majit, the slicing magician. We shot beebees at balloons, were hand-cranked to a scary speed on a merry-go-round, and propelled handmade light missiles into the sky with slingshots. Majit translated my "fortune" read by a sand-sitting swami, selected by a perceptive parakeet. Think they agreed that all was good. Should stay that way. Small problems, no big problems. “Maturity is knowing when to be immature.” Randall Hall


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