April 10th-ish
I was writing this then i forgot and didn’t go on the web for a while:
A quick note of things: saw buckingham palace, sat through mass at st pauls cathedral, shopping at canary warf, talfagar square, and the national museum
partied with some brazilians who like strong vodka. walked into the bar with a drink, and promptly got kicked out. I was happy they let me back in. 6£ for a drink! wholly… i gave him a tip too because i was so happy to get in. hmmm. bad idea.
partied with canadian and auzzies. Scared the toronto girl, that was fun. THen almost got run over by a car. if you lay in the streets here the cars come by much faster. I found that the local bars are significantly cheaper for drinks than the touristy areas. 3£ veruss 6£, and the bar in the hostel at 2£ still beats it all. Cheers had house drinks for 2£ too, so that was nice A canadian, joe- odly enough, chated with some girl making out with her cousin, that is if she was telling the truth. gross.
getting really sick of sandwiches, or anything tesco sells like that. at canary warf, the store sold a quarter chicken for 1£ so i ate it like a hamburger outside. left a bad taste like this. the meanwhile some tourists decided to play with their electric boat in the fountain and it got stuck. a crowd of about 30 stopped to watch they try and fish it out, and i took a couple of pictures because it was funny.
Tags: London
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