Edinburgh, Scotland
Third times’ a charm.
I forgot how gorgeous everything looks here. It really is one of the most spectacular cities in Europe. Mostly due to the old stone buildings, that you don’t find everywhere, and the castle that is the majestic centerpiece of the city.
Checked into the university hostel. It was a pretty good deal for your own room, and the residence is broken up into about 6 rooms per section that has showers, and a kitchen.
Went to see the fringe festival and take a course. Had a rest day, then went all out to see comedy shows the day after, morning until night. I decided to stick with a lot of free shows, and they ended up being extremely variable in quality and style. The formerly homeless guy was hard to laugh at, you’re not supposed to laugh at homeless people. Many of the shows were pretty good, even if there was only a handful of us in there it was still funny. A few were quite variable like the rapper with the comedian taking turns. The comedy show went down well. The most expensive course in history. Meet a great bunch of people on course, and we all had a good time laughing at each other through the exercises. It was a lot like a drama class, supposedly giving us lots of ideas to write with. I will write more later, on my return to Edinburgh.
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