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from sun to rain

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

Welcome to London….Grey skies and rain……super.

Spent the whole bus ride into town getting more depressed as just flown in from Nice where it was so nice!
Anyway spent the last week or so going to the beach lots and as usual hanging out with the kids. Took the car into Cannes one day which was pretty funny, driving on the right hand side is complicated enough but its the french rode rules which is the most confusing…like the flashing orange light that means go? got myself compleately lost at one stage but managed to get home OK and even parallel parked the car, man Im good!

Caught up with Kate and Tom again in Nice, one day I tried to get in to see them I missed the first train so had to wait an hour for the next one, which got delayed so missed meeting Kate, waited for an hour or so then had to catch the train home! So had a super day pretty much sitting on the train, not so good. Another not so good night was when I went to pick up the oldest kid, Ella who had been on camp, some how she managed to talk her way into this show that all the kids were putting on and she was not supposed to be in, didnt realise till to late so ended up staying for 4 hours waiting for and wathcing some crazy kids show in french while the other 2 where getting very bored. Then I couldnt make the car reverse, as it had this weird thing on the gear stick so got stuck in the middle of the entrance, Ella had a fit and and wouldnt leave cause she wanted to stay, the ants got into the rice pudding I made….it was a great night!

But not all bad! Did have a good last week enjoying the beach and eating lots of cheese, flew out of Nice this morning. Only a 2 hour flight but tok the whole day as train to the airport, bus to the terminal, flying, then bus into central London. Pretty cool flying over the coast in France as you could see all the yachts on on the water and so many swimming pools and big resorts everywhere and the sea is so blue. Its difinitely a different place in england! It is kind of nice being in an english speaking country and kind of having an idea whats going on. Did manage to get off on the wrong bus stop though and had to take a complicated series of underground stops rather than being on a direct line had I got off in the right place. Of course its raining and grey here, typical but after my initial depression of being here I did get over it, London is a cool city and went for a big walk through a few areas, also a big walk back to the hostel when the train stopped one before mine….why is it that Im getting lost more here when I can actually speak the language!

Had a job interview for a pub in Kensington as well which was good, pretty cool place and its live in with all meals and accomodation included, plus its a great area so just talked to the guy and I’ve got a 2nd interview tomorrow morning which is good, so hopefully works out! The only problem with trying to find a job is that I only want to work for a couple of months and try to avoid mentioning that but I feel bad….but if I say I only want 2 months work then no one will hire me! But who knows, I may like it and stay longer anyway. Ironically enough at the hostel Im staying at, hardley any one speaks english! lots of spainish/french/italian people and heaps living here while working, kind of a cool place, pretty big but cheap internet/phnes/free breakfast. Pretty good for £10. Anyway I am off to brave the weather (dont think Ive been in weather this cold since South America) and do a few touristy things as I could be working full time soon.

check out my photos since Morrocco here:

Morrocco Spain France Belgium London

World cup action

Monday, July 17th, 2006

Another week of exciting nannying adventures, actually in terms of nannying jobs it probably is a bit more interesting as a few soap opera type happenings have been unfolding. The current situation means that we (mum,kids and me) have moved out of the house into a hi-de-hi style campsite, in a flash (but small) cabin. There is theme nights every night, my favourite was a battle of the sex game translated into english on the notice board as the ‘sex war game’ hmmmm….

Did get a chance to get away a bit and was in Nice to watch the final of the world cup, already for a great evening, france would win, everyone would go mental, it was going to be awesome. Unfortunately they lost which wasn’t really part of the plan! I was staying in a hostel and meet 2 very cool Irish girls so we had some tea and watched the game on the big screens set up by the beach. Was very depressing when France lost to Italy but we did joke about just driving over to Italy cause its only about 1/2 an hour away!

Did however have a great evening dancing the evening away on tabletops in a crazy english bar where the band ended up too drunk to finish, good times!

Also got to spend a night in Antibes which is another town along the coast. Pretty much taken over by Kiwi’s, Aussies and South Africans all looking for work on the boats that are there over summer. Stayed at a hostel where pretty much everyone is looking for work so had a few chats to find out a bit more info as its a possibility for next month. Don’t know if it’ll work out but will see….still nice night in Antibes and hung out at the beach the next day.

And on Saturday kate and grader arrived to stay in nice for awhile, randomly found Grader on the side of the road so we waited for Kate for a bit who unfotunately had her bags left onroute in Dubai. Had the night of so sneakily stayed in the nice airconditioned hotel room. Ate ice-creams and just hung out. Very cool to see them both and Kate brought some fuin things from home for me from my parents, like shoes (which I didnt actually have) and chocolate and of course more vegemite! Met up with them and also Tom who, incidently, is in Antibes looking for boat work, in Cannes for the day.

Am now in Nice for 2 nights off with Kate and Grader. Really great to see people from home and have people to hang out with. Had a fun day walking up to this waterfall which had great views over the city and ate chinese takeaways on the beach. We also did a bit of shopping for Graders fiance, heather, always interesting in girlie shops with Grader trying to decide which style of singlet top and what colour underwear to buy. After a bit of a rest back at the hotel we went out for icecreams and to have a look around the very busy streets. Its pretty much middle of high season here so everywhere is packed with tourists, buit its kind of cool as its busy and stuff is happening. Did see possibly the greatest busker of all time, dressed in a kind of ripped leather outfit dancing hardcore to Michael Jackson….hilarious….

So tomorrow is of to Monaco for the day then I’ll be back at the campsite for the rest of the week and have 2 more nights off before I’ll be leaving! Am looking onto jobs in the UK now as earning pounds sounds like a good plan to actually get some money!! But who knows where I will end up for the rest of the summer, could quite happily just sit on these beautiful beaches for another month…..