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Settling down

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

After another crazy summer across Poland, Isle of Man, Scotland, Spain, Belgium and the UK it is time to settle down for the time being in the lovely city of Leiden, in the Netherlands. I will attempt to write a bit about my journey as a foreigner here trying to make sense of a new country and jump through the hoops required to live here!

I am doing a masters here which will take about 10 months and so this will be the longest I have been in one place for awhile! Its a beautiful little town, well connected to Europe and a great uni so really looking forward to the year ahead

time for work

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

Leaving Istanbul I was headed for London, narrowly missing another airport closure because of the crazy ash cloud. I had 5 days ahead to chill out before it was back for another season putting up tents.

I spent some time with family who live close to London and had a great weekend in London catching up with friends from all over the place and drinking a lot of cider (oh how I have missed you pear cider). Then it was off to work, which basically involves spending the next 4 months of so living in a tent and putting up very big tents at festivals all around Europe. So from here my life goes a bit crazy and I either working too much or having far too much fun to be writing anything.

Post the season, or maybe if I ever feel like it I will put up a few photos/words, but until the end of summer I will be slightly vacant.


east meets west in Istanbul

Monday, May 17th, 2010
I always like going back to a city for a second time, after you have ticked off all the big things you have plenty of time to chill out and enjoy the city.I had enjoyed the last time I was ... [Continue reading this entry]

The trans-asian express: a very long train ride

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

The 80 hour train ride from Tehran to Istanbul involved a lot more that just sitting on the train. We had heroin smugglers, drug dealers, long border crossings, 2am ferry rides, and of ... [Continue reading this entry]

Tehran- the politics come out

Sunday, May 9th, 2010
Before Tehran the politics of the country seemed more like a pain in the ass than actual reality, however in Tehran you are reminded that the government are in fact a little crazy. If you have read any ... [Continue reading this entry]

Tehran traffic rules

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

While in Tehran, visitors must take note of the unique traffic laws to avoid death/injury 
  1. Motorcyclists are exempt from any road rules
  2. Helmets are optional on motorcycles but not advised as they may affect carefully styled hair
  3. Always ... [Continue reading this entry]

ancient villages and nuclear power plants

Thursday, May 6th, 2010
I was sad to leave Esfahan, but my time in Iran was running short. I was off to Kashan, a smaller town on the way to Tehran. The buses are great in Iran, cheap and very good quality. Nice new, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Esfahan part 2

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

In the Islamic world you do see a lot of mosques. Like Wats in Thailand, Cathedrals in France, and religious paintings in Italy, after awhile you can get a bit sick of them. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Half the world

Monday, May 3rd, 2010
After the quiet streets and awesome hostel of Yazd, our dingy box like room in Esfahan on a busy street did not give me the best first impressions. However Esfahan turned out to be my favourite city so far and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Yazd- the oldest city in the world.

Sunday, May 2nd, 2010
*A quick side note. My blog site is actually banned in Iran, thanks to my lovely friend Kate who is updating it for me via email. So I will add photos and video's when I get out of ... [Continue reading this entry]