BootsnAll Travel Network

what the heck is this blog about?

This blog is for me to share with you all about the exciting adventures I am having while spending all my money on travel. When not sleeping in train stations and lugging a pack around you'll find me wishing I was, in the garden city of Christchurch, New Zealand. I'm an 20-something, wishing-I-still-was-one student, worth around 100 camels according to that guy in Morocco. Lucky enough to have already been on lots of global adventures but still looking for more countries to go to with unpronounceable names. On the right you can see my progress around the world. Blogs posts are grouped in countries and in different trips. The first block is from my 2006/2007 RTW trip, below that is my 2008 'overland trip', then lay travels since then. There is also links to all my photos, video's and trip expenses. Have a look around and please leave me a comment if you like what you read! *update* I am now living in London with a job that I love and taking a break from the travelling life, one day I will return but till then...

The Great Russian Visa Chase

June 11th, 2008

Well according to this $45 USD piece of paper I am now officially invited into Russia, in fact I even have a whole itineray and hotels booked- not that I will ever stay in them. The beaurcracy of the Russian Visa situation is ridiculously confusing. To officially get a visa you must have your entire trip booked and all hotels booked. Obviously this is not ideal for anyone wanting to travel independantly, but the best past is it is all just a front. You simply pay money to an organisation who pretend to book hotels for you. I mean, seriously, dont they work it out??

Anyway once you have your invitation you need a cover letter from a travel agent. Yesterday I spent the entire afternoon trying to find a travel agent who had some idea about what was going on. Most I spoke to didn’t quite get the fact that you dont actually have to book hotels and its really just a sham

“Ummm….so do you have your hotels all booked? Because It says here that you need to”

I ended up explaining the process to most travel agent swho had no idea what was going on. They give me helpful advice like “I am just looking on the embassy website and it says you need an invitation and a cover letter”

Ummm, yes I know I can look at the website myself, and that is why I am ringing, to get a cover letter. Flight Centre wanted to charge $70 for their visa service, which is just the cover letter. STA would only do a cover letter for $50 IF we booked accomodation through them and the only option available for me and my 2 friends was a $320 a night hotel room. So much for being the student/budget travel agency with more options. Finally I found a travel agent who actually had been to Russia and was very helpful in getting it all sorted for me. So my passport and peices of paper are on thier upto the embassy where I have paid $100 to get it processed in time to arrive back before I leave. Fingers crossed it gets accepted! Rdoc and Tom will be applying for thiers in the next weeks and all going to plan we will all have visas and be allowed into the country in September.

Total cost $190 (mainly due to the fact I had to get everything processed faster as you can only apply for a visa 3 months before your entry date and because I am leaving soon it only gives me a short window of oppertunity), For the other guys it will cost $130.

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the last stretch

April 24th, 2008

I’m about to begin my last term at uni on Monday, how exciting, that means in 6 weeks classes will be over and I only have one exam, then I will be qualified! Not qualified enough to actually do something but it will be good to finally have completed my degree’s.

It’s also just over 2 months until I leave. Not so concerned with leaving forever at the moment due to a certain person who is complicating my plans (in a good way) and keen to come back to work for another easter camp. So it’s looking like a 5 month trip at this stage to procrastinate any hint of joining the real world. Plans are changing and very flexible which is good. Am going to be meeting up with different people along the way so that is about my only fixed dates,

the basic outline is:

Singapore for 2 days

Egypt 2 weeks

Middle East and Turkey 4 weeks

Eastern Europe up to Russia 4 weeks

Russia and Tran-siberian 4 weeks

Mongolia 2 weeks

Arrive in China then hang around China/Asia area for around a month or so depending on money/time etc. Probably fly home from Hong Kong or Bangkok.

Will be with Mum in the Middle East and a couple of friends Tom and Rdoc for the trans-sib leg. Brought a new camera the other so will be able to take exciting pictures. I have most of the gear I need from last time, a new pack which is smaller and will only need to buy a few little things. I’m planning on traveling even lighter than last time, but do need gear for the 40 degree heat of Egypt to the cold weather in Siberia. Next big issue is visa’s…..with Russia being possibly the most complicated country in the world to go to. Do they want tourists?

Savings is going surprisingly well and should be able to easily meet my goal by the time I leave. Hopefully my goal is a generous estimate on costs! Looking foward to travelling without stressing about money too much.

So I will continue updating as things fall into place for my next kind-of-round-the-world-trip. Looking forward to the trip but think I will miss home more than last time.

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Happy New Year!

January 4th, 2008

I like 2008, I can say that THIS is the year that I finish university, I will be qualified! Not for much mind you but it is a start in the direction of grown up responsibility, although I am leaving 3 days after exams for yet another gap year (or 2). Now am looking into maybe trying to get a tourism related job for a year and postpone post-grad study for another year….hmmm who knows, exciting to think that in 6 more months I won’t have anything I HAVE to be in Christchurch for, with uni done it gives me a bit more freedom. So now exactly 6 months till I’m on a plane! Reading up lots about Russia and the visa thing. I think I have it sorted, buy a visa invitation from for $50, then send that to the Russian embassy in NZ with $60 and they should technically give me a 30 day visa…sounds straight forward but will invariably be fraught with complications. I’ll apply in June and bank on it working, otherwise I think its easy-ish to get a visa in ex-soviet states.

For the next 6 months I need to keep up with my fancy colour coded savings plan, so far so good but will be a frugal next few months, but not much different from usual. The other day I hitchhiked alone up to meet friends camping for new years, it was fun, and was fun to have a (very small and not actually dangerous) challenge and make it through, met cool swiss people, made me feel like a traveller again.

Maybe I am destined to be a full time traveller but then again it is a very selfish way to live life, as in essence, travelling is about expanding YOUR own horizons and YOU having amazing experiences, it doesn’t exactly give back to the world. Although I do think the world would be a better place if everyone travelled somewhere interesting (London and OZ not included). I guess I hope that when I come to getting a real job that years of travel experiences will benefit me somehow, and I think they will, they key is to finding that job that I can do without being bored but making a long term commitment to something enough to make a difference….aaahhhh…but more study ahead to get closer to that position. Untill then, I’ll just be selfish and plant some tree’s to offset the carbon.

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let the planning begin!

November 18th, 2007

I have booked flights! Hurray!
although not leaving for another 7 months I thought I might as well book a ticket so I feel like I’m working towards something. So flying out on 3rd of July, a couple of nights stop off in Singapore then on to CAIRO! I love it how I change my mind about a hundred times before making a decision about going somewhere, that is why it is important to just book something. And it all works out well because my mum is going to come meet me in mid July for a month around the middle east.

So my vague plan is..around a week and a half alone in Egypt, see some old stuff, and probably head to some beach resort for sun and sand given I will be escaping the NZ winter to ridiculous hot weather in Egypt. Then I’ll meet mum and we’ll head over to Jordan, Israel, Syria (if the visas all go according to plan, damn Israel and its visa stamp ruining plans!) then on the train up to Istanbul where mum flies back home leaving me with around 2 months before meeting Rdoc (hopefully if he gets it together) in Russia. So probably head to London to visit a few people, chill out in some random eastern European countries and hopefully spend a good few weeks doing some volunteer type work in France to get my (so far very lacking) french skills up. found this great website so will hopefully hook up a place in the country side and be a hippy for a month. Then Trans-siberian, through to China and then who knows! Turning into another RTW trip and hopefully I will have the funds to make it the whole way. So A LOT of saving is needed over the next 7 months and probably an extension of my credit card and overdraft….but it’s worth it, one day I will get a real job and pay it all back.

So more exciting plans to come as I procrastinate every day life for endless internet research about fun things to do

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still in NZ

September 26th, 2007

I am at home, sitting up far too late at night reading travel stories on th internet. Far too distracting when I should be in bed!! Way too much uni work on at the moment and can’t help but get overloaded then switch off and start thinking about when I can next leave!
which will be (in case anyone actually cares, or is even reading this) July next year…9 more months…9 more months
And even though I promised myself I would never plan travel again I can’t help day dreaming about things to do. But my (very general and flexible) plan is to buy a one-way ticket to London then get myself over to Hong Kong via the trans-siberian while seeing a bit more of eastern europe, Mongolia and Tibet in about 4 months. I just want to buy a ticket so I know I’m actually going! Surprisingly savings are going OK and should be on track-might even have more money than when I left for a year
SO watch this space for new stories and exciting adventures is 9 more months…9 more months…9 more months…9…9


Watch this video

September 2nd, 2007

kiwi’s are so cool…


Geek Week

July 12th, 2007

AMUNC 07, one of many model united nations where students gather together for a week of debate and debauchery. AMUNC was held in Auckland and a crew of us from Canterbury headed up to represent Romania. Much like the real UN we spent far too long debating unanswerable questions and ending up with weak, unenforceable resolutions.

Myself, Kate and Joh along with Ben and Theon were team Romania and we were all designated specific committees with topics for the week. 2 days per topic and a General Assembly at the end.

This pretty much meant 4 very long days trying to draft together some sort of resolution that the majority of delegates could agree on. As each delegate had to follow their country’s foreign policy this proved to be a little difficult as Cuba don’t always want the same freedom of speech laws as the UK.

There were 50 people in my committee with total number of 500. We were from all around the Asia-Pacific area so great chance to meet lots of new and interesting people. There were a lot of people who had done this sort of thing before and used the whole way it was run. The procedural side of it is intense and very very controlled with every thing having to be passed as a motion, voted on, debated, proposed…etc etc. I pretty much had no idea what was going on the entire time.

Way too many over achieving law students dominated the debates while the rest of us used our unmoderated caucuses for coffee breaks rather than to draft up working papers.

It was a little surreal as I only know people by their country
“Hey Slovakia, wanna go get a coffee?”
and found it difficult to stop talking in the 3rd person and formal language used in committee sessions.
“Would the honorable delegate of Korea care to join the honorable delegate from Romania for a drink to discuss in more depth the activities of the previous night?”

Every night was a social event and big sponsors meant big funding so open bars and food almost every night. A harbour cruise, committee dinners, cocktail function and the grand finale ball meant far to many late nights, sleeping in and lots of gossip about what our director was up to with Chile the night before.

Possibly we didn’t take is seriously enough, preferring to take the piss out of any organized activity, especially the General Assembly where we voted on resolutions we hadn’t even read. But it was a flippin awesome week, we stayed in a great backpackers, survived the monsoon style rain of Auckland, actually made friends and had a lot of fun.

If I ever go again I might be a bit more prepared and participate more but less work in the holidays is better, at least I now know I DO NOT want to work for the UN, although it did make me feel smarter for the week.

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why being home is not fun

June 15th, 2007

Because I am back at uni, and its mid year so it means exams. Thats right, evil nasty exams designed to make you have nervous breakdowns trying to fit all sorts of useless information into your brain. Especially with subjects like management, which is a total waste of time but will hopefully balance out my arts degree and get me a job. I actually only have 2 exams as I had 2 in the last week of term, so its not too bad. But its saturday, and I was gutted to find out the library closed at 5…see how sad my life is?

But the good side means its already half way through the year, which means exactly 1 more year till I finish and can go overseas again. My plan is fly to Bejing and go overland through Russia to London. Should be fun and its not too far so I can start some vague planning and of course saving.
But more about that after Tuesday…then sweet sweet holidays!

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Abel Tasmen, NZ

June 7th, 2007

Well I haven’t really been travelling overseas but I have done a bit of travelling in my own lovely country. I went up to the top of the South Island to Abel Tasmen which is the most amazing place in New Zealand, well I think so any way.

I went with a bunch of people I’ve been working with over the last few months organising a massive event called Easter Camp, which was a camp for 3800 young people. Pretty intense but very fun. We are luky enough to have Luke and Tim working with us who happen to be kayak guides so they hooked us up with some sweet deals. We kayaked for 5 days and camped in little bays, it was beautiful! Even though it was technically autumn it was still fantastic weather and even got to go swimming a few times. We built a dam one day, caught fish and cooked them on the beach, had massive feeds every night, caught crabs and cooked them up….the whole trip made me realise that NZ isn’t actually a bad place and if I can get to this place in 5 hours I’m pretty lucky considering people travel across the world to get to places like this. So here are some photos…

Abel Tasmen, New Zealand
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April 27th, 2007

So I don’t think anyone is reading this any more, but I’ve finally put all my photos online and videos are all in the blog now as well. I’ve back for 2 months now and it really is like I never left, except that I did. It’s been a pretty full on couple of months back home with uni and working crazy hours on this big camp I helped run. Last week I went for a week kayak trip around the abel tasmen which was amazing and really made me appreciate NZ a bit more. I become a lot more happier than when I first got home. I’m actually enjoying being in Christchurch and not so focused on leaving immediately, which I think is good. I’m still super keen to head away again sometime in the near future, but for now I’m happy where I am and there is lots to look foward to. I can’t help but plan future trips and think I’m going to head to China and Russia on the trans-siberian next, but will have to wait until I get a bit more money together and graduate from uni! conclusion for this trip, how has a year away by myself changed me? I don’t really know….I think it was a great thing to do solo, think that it helps cement your beliefs, gives yo a chance to try new things, all those text book examples. Probably the biggest thing is that it made me realise that I probably can go anywhere alone and I would be OK. I don’t mind doing things by myself and keen to do a few more big solo trips before anything else. As my friends keep saying now, my answer to all of life’s problems is just to go overseas…so thats my advice for life now, just go travelling…but for now I’m in NZ, which is a pretty nice place to be. I’m finally having my 21st next weekend which will be fun and will get my photos printed and start making albums up, so my travels really are just turning into a distant memory.
But for anyone who’s interested, read through this blog, theres videos in there somewhere and a few photos, all my photos are here:

Picasa is a good program for sharing photos if anyone is looking. Other than I will update this blog a bit for any fun trips I do around NZ and hopefully in the future I will be back with more exciting travel adventures!

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