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Snakes and Planes

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

You know how on planes everyone rushes to get off really quickly? Well in our overtired-everything-is-funny state we waited until people had gotten off….so talking and laughing away we suddenly realized that EVERYONE was off the plane and only the air-hostesses were left giving us funny looks. So we quickly grabbed our stuff and ran out down the stairs to the bus where the entire plane was waiting for us. But somehow Jeff came out after us as the bus was driving away and ended having to get a whole other bus just for him. This was obviously far too much for us and while we laughed hysterically the rest of the plane just gave us evil looks….anyway guess you had to be there.

So we were in Hanoi, got to a nice little hotel in the old quarter, very French influenced architecture and cafes on corners, as well as the usual crazy motor bikes seemingly trying to run us down. The only down side was that is was freezing and raining, not what we wanted after we had left Nha Trang with perfect weather. So after a vague walk down the street trying to find somewhere cheap for dinner we somehow ended up at a not cheap but warm Irish pub, for pasta, tea and other un-asian type food. We meet a swiss guy and agreed to meet up the next day to find the infamous snake restaurants. The weather the next day was no warmer but at least not raining. Checked out the area, around the lake where we saw some important looking thing on as island, saw a lot of things to buy and Jeff and Tash got measured up for some tailor made clothes. Then we headed back to meet up with the Swiss guy and another German and headed out on a local bus using charades trying to describe where were going. “You know, snake, eat”
We did actually make it there surprisingly, an area called Le Mat where you can eat snake in 10 different ways and drink its blood along with the beating heart….very pleasant.
We headed down some quite streets until we saw a sign with a snake on it, inside were massive bottles with alcohol and huge snakes coiled inside, in a cage near the door we could see movement from the snakes that didn’t have a bright future ahead of them.
A man came out.
Sit down please.
We sat.
Kind of felt like we had entered some sort of snake mafia circle. Nothing was said about the snakes, we were offered tea, cigarettes, some sort of bong. Then the guy in the suit got down to business. After a big of arguing we finally agreed on a price for the 3 boys as by this stage I had backed out of any claims I had bragged about doing.
Out comes the snake.
It wasn’t super massive just very long. With us all hovered around with cameras the guy expertly slit the throat (do snakes even have throats?) dripped the blood into shot glasses with vodka, the greeny-black vile into another glass and then…wait for it…the BEATING HEART. Yes actually beating away in the glass.

So we were taken upstairs to our own private table where the boys downed the blood, the bile and the heart (not beating by now) and we were brought 5 courses of snake, spring rolls, soup, crunchy skin, salad and a plate of meat….mmmmm…..snake.

It was very interesting and cool to watch but there was no way I could have done it, at least we got some photos and some disgusting video footage though. After it was all over, we went back into town for me and Tash to get some real food at a nice french cafe. Chilled out in our room with some cheap takeaways and to bed.

In the morning we discovered we were being kicked out of our hotel for not booking a tour. The place we were staying was really nice but they were ridiculously insistent on us booking tours through them, to the point where we had to run through the lobby to avoid them. The ironic thing was is that we were about to book a tour but wanted them to wait till we approached them. However not soon enough as they told us to leave then tried over charging us for ‘room tax’ a few arguments later we were out with the right change directly next door to a nicer place and me and Tash booked our Halong Bay tour for the next day. Judah and Brett from home were heading to Hanoi so Jeff was going to stay and meet them. Spent the day hanging out at the markets and sitting by the lake. Evening came and went and it was early to bed as we were heading out to Halong bay early the next morning.

Floating bars and beach parties in Nha Trang

Sunday, January 28th, 2007

I have taken a lot of overnight buses on this trip, all of them pretty bad but this was up there. The bus was packed and the seats more designed for tiny Asians on a 3 hour trip rather than us lanky westerners on a 12 hour one. Combined with dodgy air con which meant I froze the whole night while Tash and Jeff were dying of the heat, and seats that didn’t recline… arrived to our beach paradise very tired and to see the grey skies and rain with the rising sun. But at least it didn’t make us feel bad about practically sleeping all day and watching our cable TV. We’ve been quite lucky with room in Vietnam all having hot water and TV for pretty cheap. So we watched a lot of trash but it was all good on a grey rainy day. Jeff and I went for a short walk for over priced ice cream and to check out the beach, which would be fantastic if it wasn’t so wet. Very different feel from our beach in Cambodia, no shared bungalows on the beach and campfires, this place was all developed with concrete hotels and shops. We did manage to leave our hotel room and get some food and buy ourselves some super cool Vietnamese rice paper hats. I love it how people here wear these hats all the time, its actually not just a stupid tourist thing, and they carry things on the balancing baskets over their shoulder, its great! So looking hot we had a few photos on the beach which turned out to be the only time we wore our hats, they’re not practical for traveling.
Back for an early night as we were all pretty exhausted still from the night before and we had signed up for a boat trip the next as day in hope that the weather would turn out.
The boat trips are the main tourist thing in Nha Trang, the original trips closed down because of the ‘party favours’ that were handed out, but there are now plenty of less illegal trips, all advertising themselves with floating bars, free alcohol and fun part times. Hmmm…could be horribly cheesy…..the boats all playing “let’s get the party started” when we got to the pier only added to our fears. But we decided to go with it and take the piss a bit. There were heaps of boats at the pier all offering essentially the same thing, when we were all on board we headed (slowly) across to the islands on our old wooden split level boats to the sounds of ‘hip, cool backpacker type music’ (Hotel California and Bob Marley)
“Are you guys ready to paaaaarrrrrty???”

oh dear…..we thought

“yyyeaaaahhhhh!!!’ we answered

“after lunch will be happy our where you have freeeeeeee wine and fruit!!!! Don’t be lazy or we will throw you over board!!!”

Turned it to be a pretty fun day, and for $6 with a massive seafood lunch, heaps of fruit and indeed free wine (more like vinegar) it was a great deal. We were even lucky enough to get sun for most of the day.
We stopped at a few different spots where we jumped off the boat for swimming and snorkeling and then we all grabbed our floating rings and hung out in the sea on a floating bar. The best part was the live band! The seats in the bottom folded into a table for lunch and they busted out drums, guitars and a guy in a coconut bikini with Marackers, we even got a song sheet with lyrics to an awesome song they had written about our fun boat trip. Then they got us all dancing on the table, it was hilarious, you really could only laugh as we got down with the coconut breasted man and the insane Japanese guys.
We were luckily to have really cool people on the trip which made it really fun. Our last stop was to an aqurium which was a bit bizarre then headed back to port where it seems most of the other boats had been drinking far too much as all the Australians were falling over themselves to find their right boat.
So great day for $6 and it got us in the party mood so we headed out to check out the bars that all seem to offer free drinks. We ended up at the sailing club, the hippest place around. We ended up out until 3am dancing like idiots, so much so that a guy asked us if we were on ecstasy and had any he could buy.

After a long sleep-in we dragged ourselves out of bed and headed down to the airport where we were avoiding the 60 hour bus ride and flying to the capital Hanoi. Unfortunate that we don’t have enough time to check out the coast as it looks amazing but theres always next time, so it was a quick flight up to the cold north.

Back in ‘Nam’

Sunday, January 21st, 2007
Only 3 weeks until home time! Can’t believe the year is almost finished, but not quite yet still more countries to visit, things to see and lots more to buy. And Vietnam is a good place to go shopping! We ... [Continue reading this entry]

Beach Fun

Sunday, January 21st, 2007
DSC04052.JPG Sihanoukville is Cambodia’s Cote d’azure. It is however, yet to be overrun with mini dogs and women in white linen. It’s not quite yet a beach resort which is a good thing after the commercial beaches ... [Continue reading this entry]

Depressive and uplifting tourism

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007
For those who don’t know Cambodia has one of the most horrific pasts. During the 1970’s a group called the Khmer Rouge overthrew the government and had some brilliant idea to abolish the currency and hospitals, plant land mines everywhere, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Angkor What?

Wednesday, January 10th, 2007
One night in Bangkok was spent at the malls and markets thinking about what we would buy when we were back (if we had any money left). Then it was off to Cambodia on a long day of buses, border ... [Continue reading this entry]

Gay cabarets and more parties

Saturday, January 6th, 2007
I spent a day on a trip out to the Marine park that was near by and which is the location of ‘the Beach’. Unfortunately no Leonardo DiCaprio and they didn’t actually film the movie here but still beautiful and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Into the New Year, 2007 already!

Saturday, January 6th, 2007
Landed at the flash new Bangkok airport around 2am after a 2 hour flight. Took awhile to trek through the place to get out but eventually found immigration and waited and waited…A group of 8 Kazakstanis pushed in front of ... [Continue reading this entry]

just to let you know

Monday, January 1st, 2007
Just checked the news and there was bombings in Bangkok last night! Anyway I'm not in Bangkok at the moment, im down south, just in case anyone was going there in thursday though, hopefully no more trouble! Happy ... [Continue reading this entry]

Christmas time

Monday, January 1st, 2007
Christmas eve, Jeff was flying in from Thailand to meet us in the evening and we were going over to the village to play Santa and give out the presents. First a ridiculously extravagant breakfast at a French crepe restaurant. ... [Continue reading this entry]