John’s Feet
Tuesday, September 26th, 2006I almost forgot to post about John’s foot odor!! haha… on the second day, we discovered that John gives out the most foul, atrocious, deathly foot odor. We both gagged at the smell when he removed his shoes. It was terrible! So one of the nights in europe, we went out and bought some Axe for him to spray his shoes/feet with… and he washed his feet in the sink. To think… I’m in the same clothes for all these days and I still smelt like flowers… and a couple of days in John’s shoes and you could kill a small animal! haha. Anyway, the Axe kind of helped but soon it just smelt like a mixture of Axe and John’s feet.
This is jumping a little bit ahead but we ended up stopping in a pharmacy in Paris and bought shoe deoderizer and foot cream… the problem seems to be taken care of for now…………..