Well, we made it to Shanghia in one piece. Sadly (but not really), that was our last experience with the China railway system… No more watching people litter, spit, or pick their noses/ears… No more hearing people clear their throats like there is no tomorrow and then spitting it who knows where. I think that’s one thing I really won’t miss in China. Other than that, the scenery has been absolutely amazing… everything from the nature of the mountains and rivers to the vast number of huge buildings that they have.
I think China turned out a lot better than I thought it would have. After seeing how bad India was in terms of over-crowding and what not, I thought we would be facing the same kind of conditions in China but it really hasn’t been that bad. And to let you in on a little secret, they actually have sit down toilets in most of the places here… a lot of the time they will be out of toilet paper so you have to carry your own but they belief that there are only dirty squatters and that the Chinese don’t use toilet paper is just a myth.
Anyway, we haven’t found the Hooters Restaurant yet but we did go to McDonalds for lunch and a nice little mexican restaurant for dinner… I think we’ve had enough Chinese food for a while. Other than that, not much to report. We aren’t sure what we are going to see for the next couple of days but I’ll be sure to let you all in on it when we do figure it out. Peace!
Tags: China