On Safari Day 14
Our guide had an early flight so he was the first to leave… you get to know someone pretty well when you are with them all the time for 2 weeks so I’m gonna miss him. The rest of us left later… we all said our goodbyes, exchanged info and what not. I guess we’ve been moving on so much in this trip that it’s just another day.
We took the ferry back into Dar Es Salaam… and this is where I am now. We just have to find a place to stay tonight and then we’ll be catching a plane back to Nairobi tomorrow.
This experience has been utterly amazing. I learned a lot about myself and it was very eye-opening seeing how spoiled North American life is. If someone just gave up buying a gucci watch or a rolex, and donated that money, they could build a school-house, or feed a whole town. With the holidays nearby, I’m glad I’m not at home, where you can’t look anywhere without being bombarded with Christmas advertisement… I guess the best thing I could have this holiday season is the chance to see a whole different Christmas.
Tags: Africa
December 11th, 2006 at 10:58 am
Hey John and Eve,
Ok so this morning i was studying after a little while I figured a study break was in order. So I figured i would read some of your blog to catch up and see how you two are doing. I read Safari day 8 and had a VERY hard time not bursting out laughing in the library. John lifes not quite as good with out a good toilet!! Or at least a bucket with a hole and some toilet paper on a tree!! Fucking plums……hahaha. It’s good to hear everything is going well, and I hope everything keeps going this good for you guys.