Fiji Fiji Fiji…. I LOVE FIJI
Well, I had a little bit of time so I thought I’d put up a quick post. I still have to write about the last day we had in Australia since that was the day that we did the most but I will do that when I get to California.
For now, I will write about Fiji cause that is really what I am feeling now. Fiji… wow… the Islands are beautiful, the reefs, are beautiful, the people are beautiful… isn’t anything about Fiji that isn’t beautiful. We’ve been here for only 4 days I think but we have both fallen in love with this country…. so much so, that John even went out an bought a Zulu today! I think that’s what they are called but to the outsider, we see them as skirts… haha. That’s right, John actually went out a bought a skirt today… but in all honesty, it looks great! I think we need to adopt more man-skirts into the Canadian culture.
Anyway, the past few days, we’ve just been doing day trips out to various islands and snorkelling and taking in the sun… it doesn’t sound like much but it was perfect. I think I might actually be able to swim ok now since I did it for like 3 hours yesterday in some wavey water. I guess I wasn’t really perfect since I did get bashed up against some sharp stuff but it was still awesome. I got lots of good pictures this time and I will put them up soon. I even got some video under water of some big schools of fish! I must say, my waterproof camera was probably one of the best things I brought on this trip and I recommend everyone who is going snorkelling to get one. I hear that Olympus even has a new one that goes up to 10meters!
Ummm, I know that doesn’t really describe much but I am enjoying Fiji way too much to be sitting indoors on the internet. When I get to the states or back home, I will do a recap of these beautiful Islands… and have pictures to go along with it. That’s all for now…. tomorrow, will officially end the overseas part of this trip :(. That’s right, we are flying to California tomorrow… man, this trip has really flown by!!
Can’t wait to show people all the pics and help everyone and anyone plan their next trips… I know some of you must want to go somewhere now?
Tags: Fiji