Ev Cheng… Open Water Diver :)
Well, today was the last day of the Open Water Diver course… we finished our last 2 open water dives as well as the confined water dives and the final exam (94%… woo!). It felt like I was in school again… all stressed out about stuff. But all is done now, and we are certified by PADI as open water divers!
However, I can’t forget to tell you about our last open water dive. We took a boat out to Police Reef… which was absolutely, positively AAAWWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEE. The waters were clear so we could see lots of fish, coral… everything… yet, we were deep enough that it felt like we were waaayyyy down there (it was actually only 16m). We didn’t see a sea turtle or anything like that this time but the coral was way cooler… all different shapes, sizes, colors…. man. I am so happy that we decided to take to the water instead of climb the mountain…. although I still wish we could have done both. Actually, this morning, the peak of Mt. Kinabalu came out of the clouds…. it has a really cool looking peak.
Annnyyywaaayyy… Yeah, what a great experience. I did get really stirred up today though… I pulled up on the zipper of the old, tattered wetsuit that I was borrowing for the class and the zipper broke… then I found out that they are charging me 300 ringits for it… that’s $100! $100 goes a long way in Malaysia… that’s like 20-some meals…. or like 15 nights accommodation! I mean, it’s not like I pulled the zipper hard… and it’s not like it was a new wet suit that I broke… I don’t know how many people used it before me but there was a huge hole in the butt part…. so the poor sucker that is using it when it finally DOES fall apart (me) has to foot the bill? That’s BUNK. Especially since I don’t have that kind of money to be throwing around this late in the game. BUNK! Grrr…. I’m still all stirred up from that.
Anyway, woooosssaaaaaa….. I think we will do a little bit of snorkelling tomorrow before saying goodbye to Kota Kinabalu on Saturday. Hopefully I can get some good under-water pictures to share with you guys.
Tags: Malaysia