Amazing Race
It felt like we were on the Amazing Race yesterday. We ran into a couple Koreans that we have been running into since we left Istanbul. Anyway, the Koreans, and 3 other couples all showed up at the Athens train station looking to get to Petras… so all of us followed the same route until we got to Petras. When we got there, we followed them for a bit but they were all going to the bathroom… so I went and got directions to the ferry station. By the time John got back from the bank, all the couples had gone to the ferry station so we hustled over there and found out the Ferry left in 15 minutes! So we went sprinting (with our big-assed backpacks on) to the boat… turns out none of the other couples made it onto the boat so I guess we won?
Anyway, the boat was frickin’ amazing… we sat poolside (although the pool was actually empty) and sun tanned on the deck. The view was amazing as we passed the greek islands… the water was calm and chrystal clear and there was a light breeze blowing into the boat. Well worth our 16 Euro. As we watched the sun set over the water, we found a place to camp out on deck… we reclined our pool chairs and rolled out our blankets. It was actually quite fun to camp out on the deck… although I think there was actually and area that we could have gone to sleep in. Either way, it was an adventure and a half. To top it off, I woke up to the most amazing sun rise over the horizon of the ocean… it was breath-taking. It was really just the best way to wake up.
We arrived in Ancona in the morning and then made our way to Rome (where we are now). I just took a few hours to check out the sights at night. They are lit up really wickedly at night so it was much worth it… I think John went on a pub crawl or something. I’ll try to post a few more pictures as soon as possible.
Tags: Europe