BootsnAll Travel Network

36 Hours Later…

So we took the train from Istanbul to Athens… which normally wouldn’t take 36 hours but of course, we had another adventure. As we got off the train in Pythion (Border between Greece and Turkey), we had to change trains. But guess what? John dropped his camera on the train… now, if you were reading earlier, John’s camera is actually broken so it shouldn’t really matter right? Wrong, there’s probably over a gig of pictures in the card that is in his camera! Sooooo, we asked the people at this little train stop to see if there was anything they could do. At first they told John that this was an issue for the Police. Of course, you send a sweet little girl in like me and we can get different results :).
So, I went in to ask if they could call the train and see if they could find it and sure enough, they found the camera and said that they could bring it back for us on the next train! Whew! There was only one catch… the next train didn’t come for another 12 hours… at 2am. SO, after the train that got us there left, all the people who worked in this little train stop also left… leaving John, me, a stray dog, and a bunch of frogs as the only living things in this little town. Tick tock tick tock… 12 hours is a long time where there is absolutely nothing to do. John and I passed the time by catching bugs and feeding them to the frogs… it was actually quite entertaining. It was actually really cold at night and John and I shivered ourselves to sleep on some benches.
When 2am finally rolled around, the camera arrived safely and we were put on the sleeper train to Thesoloniki (Where we had to change trains for Athens). All in all, we made it here ok. It’s a lot warmer than Pythion and definitely less dodgy. Due to our little set back, I think we might need to take Venice out of our schedule… does anyone have any opinions on that? It’s just the furthest one out of the way but is it a MUST SEE destination?
I will try and do the picture thing when I have free internet again.


No Responses to “36 Hours Later…”

  1. Chris Lee Says:

    Venice — definately a tourist trap town if you go out there. Everything is more expensive than the rest of Italy there (we did this scientifically by comparing the price of gelatto and pizza to the other places we visited).

    You can really cover it in a day… so unless you’re into designer shopping, there’s not that much to see there. Better spending extra time in Rome checking out the museums there.

  2. Posted from Canada Canada

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