Painting Shanghai Red
I think last night was the first night we went out on the town in a long while. We met a Japanese-American guy from California and a couple other Canadians during the day and at night, we (along with a girl that works here at the hostel – who we call Pikachu), went out. First we went to a trendy bar called Barbarosa or something like that… it was mostly foreigners there but the vibe of the place was pretty cool… they even had Hookahs there… of all the things to find in Shanghai. Anyway, the only thing about trendy bars with lots of foreigners is that they charge you an arm and a leg for a drink… so that kind of sucked. So, we only had one or 2 drinks there before deciding to go on a mission to find a cheaper place to drink.
We ended up walking a loooong way to find another little bar district but once again, this place was for foreigners so the prices were pretty much the same… Bar after bar after bar…. we pretty much lost hope and decided to go for 4rmb noodles, dumplings, and we stopped at the corner store and bought cheap beer to bring back to the hostel. It was pretty anti-climactic but the night was fun, none-the-less.Oh, and I’m proud to say that I was able to use a useful skill that my uncle Dave taught me… that’s opening a beer bottle with a pop bottle… pure gold.
Oh, I should mention, that before that, we went to the Jing Toa (or something like that) tower to see the skyline of Shanghai… I heard it was pretty wicked. After fighting through a chinese queue, we got to the 88th floor of the tower to see a pretty nice view of the Shanghai skyline… but I’ll admit, it wasn’t as mezmorizing as I thought it would be…. it was nice though. We tried to get around the hotel to see into this cool atrium area but they didn’t let us rif-raf in.
Ummm, today, John and I went to a Urban Developement museum which was pretty cool… they have a HUGE scaled model of Shanghai in this building… you really have to see the pictures to see how huge this model really was… it was pretty detailed too. Ummm, other than that…. we didn’t do too much today… we are going to Hooters tonight with the people from our room for some beer and wings… I’ll let you know how that goes. Catch ya lata!
Tags: China