800+ Pictures on Flickr
So I have loaded up 800+ photos onto www.flickr.com/photos/mushu. I`ve started putting titles on them but I highly doubt I will finish anytime soon.
I still don`t like the idea of making these all public (They were public when I posted them and people were already creepin`…)…. so if you have a flickr/yahoo account, let me know and I`ll send you an invite. If you don`t, and do not want to set one up (psh, lazy bum… I upload 800 pictures and you can`t set up an account)… then send me an email/comment and if I`m feeling nice, maybe I`ll let you use Fonzworth`s Flickr account.
Make sure to let me know before I leave Cairo (November 24th) because I dont know what kind of internet access I might have after that.
Tags: Europe
November 22nd, 2006 at 5:30 am
If possible, put my name on your photo list, just so that when Grandma comes to visit, she always read about your travelling journal and it will be great if she can see some of your pictures too. She also reads about Adele and her latest development from Uncle George Flickr and Blog sites. Thanks.
Sounds like you are having a tremendous journey, learning and gaining a lot of life experiences. Thanks for relating them to us.