The Famous Braatwurst
Wow, Berlin is pretty damn sweet! Today, we went to the rie….reig…. riestag??? I can’t spell German words. Then we went to a historical museum which is kind of weird seeing all the stuff I heard about in Jr. High. While we were standing in line today, I did get a very new feeling….. out of the hundreds of people in line, I think I was 1 of 3 asians and us asians were maybe 3 of 6 minorities in general… it was quite a different feeling. Everyone here is really nice though so it’s not like I felt scared or anything like that… just different.
Along our walk around today, we saw some people conning (sp?) tourists out of their money. One guy would be getting people to find out which of the 3 boxes the little pea was under while 2 people that worked for him would pretend they were playing and winning money. Luckily, I’ve been warned of such scams (thanks mom) so I didn’t give the 50 Euro to play. We did however see a guy get conned into losing all the money in his wallet and then one of the “civilians” (a guy that actually worked for the main dude) convinced the man to go to the bank to get more money. It was really interesting to see it all in action but I felt bad for the people falling for it… you’d think they’d notice that the people “playing” never left and were always convincing people to play. Good thing we are broke and smart.
Anyway, about the braats… there is a vendor on the side of the street that sells hotdogs for 1€ and John finally got his today… and yes, the braat is twice the length of the bun… I almost fell off the veggie wagon… it smelt SOOOOO good! Actually, now that I think of it, John has had braats for every significant meal that we’ve had… they must be good!
Anyway, I think we are gonna chill tonight… all this traveling is catching up with us.
Tags: Europe