49 Hours Later… In Chongqing
Well, I think that train ride was the longest single train ride we’ve been on. It totalled just over 49 hours but it wasn’t that bad. They had the egg and tomato dish that I like on the dinner car of the train so I didn’t have to eat plain rice or pick meat out or my dish. The food was actually quite good.
John and I spent most of the time doing absolutely nothing… we took some pictures of the scenery between Lhasa and Chongqing, we practiced our mandarin with a couple from Taiwan on the train, we grumbled about people who don’t understand “NO SMOKING”, and we did whatever else we could to pass the time. I think we were the only foreigners on that train though… it was surprisingly empty either way. Oh, we’ve become masters of pooing on squatters on a moving train… well, almost masters…. John left a nasty one on the rim. I guess you could say I got swishes and John’s got bank shots… haha.
Even Fathead got bored so there are pictures of him getting into trouble as well… hehe.
Anyway, we are in Chongqing now. We board our cruise boat tomorrow for our 3 day ride down the Yangtze River so you won’t be hearing from me for a while again. Hopefully I will have a nice juicy blog entry at that time. I’m on the hotel manager’s laptop right now because we asked where we could get internet. The people here are extremely nice even though we can’t even speak each other’s languages.
Tags: China