BootsnAll Travel Network

The whole world at my feet...

This blog is for my family and friends, to let them know my plans and predicaments, my adventures and experiences. To let them know when I'm on the move or staying put, and maybe even when I'm coming home - don't count on it anytime soon though! are always on my mind, or at least at the back of my mind :-)

Not work, just fun!

July 5th, 2007

It’s only mid-week and I feel like I’ve already done so much at work. I’ve been uploading stories onto the system, and writing several of my own for the website. 

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Camping it up…

July 2nd, 2007

Follow this link to see the Independent’s story on VW Campers with my by-line, it looks a lot better in the paper with the pics of the vans, I take a photo of it to show what it looked like.



London Tube Map

July 2nd, 2007

The latest picture I’ve put on my flickr pages is of the London underground, with little markers to show where I live, work, play, etc.

 It sort of came to me that I’m telling you guys about these places I’ve been to, and there’s a slim to none chance you don’t have any idea what I’m talking about – so click on the link below and enjoy!

You can also click on “All sizes” and then “Download large size” to see it better.


Rain, rain, go away…

July 2nd, 2007

Another waste of a weekend mostly due to the miserable atmosphere with the pouring rain. 

Ok, maybe that’s exaggerating because we still did a few things, but there’s just wasted time and I really want to utilise it as best I can. I don’t know my plans and even though I’ve started working, which is such a great thing, I’ve lost that time to explore, so I only have the weekends – like all normal people who work! 

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June 30th, 2007



June 30th, 2007


…VW Campers continuation

June 29th, 2007

On Wednesday Jasmine asked me to check over the story to make sure all things VW were correct. She had an extremely busy day, and ended up asking me to finish the story as well as checking it over, which of course I was thrilled to do!

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Cheap vodka.

June 28th, 2007

What can I say? Ewwww. And still I drank it. And drank it. With good enough reason, it was Joel and Ryan’s birthday and they all left the next day so we had to go out with a big bang!

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West End Live

June 28th, 2007


See the bigger version in Flickr, but this is my pic from West End Live, yes that’s me in the poster!


It’s the working life for me

June 27th, 2007

Well, I’ve hit mid week and I have to say I was absolutely stuffed when I got home last night. I worked till half past six so it then took half an hour to get back, got off a tube stop before home to go to Tescos in Bethnal Green. Stupid store had no capsicums – since when does a supermarket run out of capsicums?!

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