BootsnAll Travel Network

The whole world at my feet...

This blog is for my family and friends, to let them know my plans and predicaments, my adventures and experiences. To let them know when I'm on the move or staying put, and maybe even when I'm coming home - don't count on it anytime soon though! are always on my mind, or at least at the back of my mind :-)

Free tickets!!!

August 24th, 2007

Yay, we got free tickets to go and see FOOTLOOSE tomorrow night! Nah-nah nah nah-nah!


Oh my gosh, I’m in LOVE!

August 23rd, 2007

No, no, not with a guy, although that would be nice. I am, however, in love with SALSA!

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The looong weekend

August 20th, 2007

Man, this weekend dragged by – must be the current bout of miserable weather we’re having at the moment. That’s ok, give me 12 days and I’ll be in Europe where it’s still 30 degrees EVERYWHERE!

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Don’t think it, feel it!

August 16th, 2007

Story of my life! Lija and I went down to one of the local bars last night where they do salsa lessons on Wednesday nights. Yes, read on, you know you want to…

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Fetes, fiascos, flowers and flights!

August 14th, 2007

Sorry for the late posting guys, can’t be helped when you’re lazing about at the beach in the sun…more of that later. For now, last weekend…

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Updates coming…

August 13th, 2007

Sorry guys, big week and busy today at work – will update my blog tomorrow with a full and detailed account of my last week in Jersey and Birmingham!!! Inlcuding pics on flickr and facebook!

Love lots Mara xoxo



July 31st, 2007

I know I talk a bit about work, but I haven’t really told you what I’ve been doing here at moneymagpie.

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Canadians in full force

July 30th, 2007

This weekend we had Lija’s friend Ashley come and stay. Lija met Ash when she went over to Canada when she was 16 I think. I also met Ashley when she came over to Melbourne many years ago. She’s been travelling around Africa and western Europe, and spent a couple of nights with us in London.

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My 22nd Birthday

July 26th, 2007

…alone. Away from home. Friends. Family.

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Loving the theatre…and free tickets!

July 25th, 2007

shakespeare.jpgLast night we went to see The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) – 37 plays in 97 minutes!

It was great! We were on the edge of our seats laughing so hard the whole time! I got 4 tickets so Lija and I went with Cath and her friend Rob who we saw perform last week.

We had dinner at this American diner across the road which literally was checked floors, red bar stools and an American host! ‘What’d’ya want ta-night?’ Meh, I needed a change from all the pizza and pasta!

The play was three (also American) guys running around the stage with bad wigs, many clothes changes and the best memory for regurgitating the lines of Shakespeare! A big laugh!
