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Let the dividing begin!

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

I set up my most recent mix (in order of my old play counts, though the new one won’t have play counts, but what’cha gonna do?). I’m still quite excited that I at least got to make a back up of all my itunes info. So, so useful. I’ll have to keep that up to date in the future. 


I went to Yoga on Wednesday, and my abdominal muscles are KILLING me. Seriously – Yoga looks easy, but it’s freaking intense. I have to go tonight to do my weights and cardio, and then I have a trainer session tomorrow. I should stock up on IB Profin, but I’ve gone the way of Alison in trying not to take painkillers unless I absolutely have to. Otherwise, you don’t really know what’s soreness, and what’s an actual problem.

My gorgeous ipod is syncing. HEE. 


Wow – ok – I love Ian McShane from Deadwood and all (plus he was a hoot in Scoop and I’ve heard great things about his BBC antiques show – lovejoy? something like that) but his comments on the Seeker are mind-boggling. Seriously dude? Seriously? They’re children’s books. I don’t think you want to admit to everyone you had a hard time getting through them. 


I highly encourage everyone to go here and check out the smiling face of Michael C. Hall as Dexter. It cracks me up – tell me that’s not a brilliant ad. 


I also highly recommend checking out the daily show segment “one state two state red state blue state” over at comedy central. John Oliver is totally brilliant. 


The best non-costumes and disguises on film


Cleolinda linkspam; “The finest slice of WTF you will see this month. Possibly this year. The century? Who knows? 


Stephen Fry blogs about fame: “Dan Whatsit and his preposterously awful Leonardo book are actually relevant to our theme…. Of course those for whom money is important will tell me that Dan Doodah is ‘laughing all the way to the bank’ and that his sales are all the approbation he needs. Well those who think money is any more reliable than fame as an index of worth are already beyond help. Eat shit, a trillion flies can’t be wrong.” He also gives us this piece of advice: “So, student journalists, tyro profilers and rooky reporters out there, seriously, quite seriously never ask a ‘what’s it like’ question, it instantly reveals your crapness.” 


Polley Celebrates Directors Guild of Canada Award Wins. 


“Heartbreak Kid Movie to have Sweeney Todd Trailer!” [Ed: OK – I can’t turn the sound up because I’m at work, but it looks INCREDIBLE] 


Bardem/Bale in Killing Pablo. 


New Watchmen Writers?

Awwww…. YEAH!!

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

HAha!! I figured it out! Thank you Chris, whomever you are, for the info about the xml file. I copied that and the itl file over to the other harddrive’s music folder, opened up my harddrive’s old itunes, and found my library! Of course, now all the songs have been moved, so I’ll still need to recreate all the information, but at least I have it now!

And that’s a really good thing, considering I had placed 5600 songs in 53 playlists. It’ll take a while to redo, but at least I can work off my list. (And thank god. My driving and summer mixes are works of art. And I never would have remembered some of them – who knew I had a jazz/art-deco/swing playlist?) And I can at least recreate a couple of my newest playlists and get my ipod up and running by the weekend (fingers crossed!) 

Goddamn, I’m good.

Aww… hell

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007
So - the itunes on my HD doesn't work. Crappity crap. That means I've lost all my playlists and play counts. Granted, its not like losing the actual music, but its going to take forever just to redo a fraction ... [Continue reading this entry]

We don’t want safe! We want toxic!

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007
Herdis and I are becoming quite taken with It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It's a bit uneven, but has some seriously gut-busting moments (last night it was Charlie and Mac trying to huff kindergarten elmers glue; hence the title). I'd ... [Continue reading this entry]

Do you always begin conversations this way?

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007
Guess who has two beautiful new pieces of hardware sitting on her desk? My ipod is black and sleek (seriously – I think it's thinner than my old one) and totally gorgeous. And the hard drive external ... [Continue reading this entry]

Nothing says “romance” like a kidnapped injured woman

Monday, October 1st, 2007
Managed to get the room set up for work taken care of yesterday, although it took me all afternoon. Went to the gym and am surpirisingly not too sore today. Still desperately missing being without a music source (it drives ... [Continue reading this entry]

In memoriam

Sunday, September 30th, 2007
Crapity crap. Well, I got a call from the laptop people. A new system board? $800. Plus the $200 repair fee, and we're looking at a new mac. Sooo.... I'm having them back up my hard drive to an external ... [Continue reading this entry]


Sunday, September 30th, 2007
Well - yesterday I did manage to convince a local ice cream store to make me a coffee milkshake, despite the fact that it isn't on their menu. So things seem slightly better now. Shocking, I know. Herdis and I ... [Continue reading this entry]

Am I the star beneath the stairs?

Friday, September 28th, 2007
Sooo... I just don't even want to post. It's all too depressing. I've had a really shit 24 hours. Work was just awful on Friday - and its far too long and complicated to go into. I got some depressing family ... [Continue reading this entry]

Go fightin’ socialist lesbians!

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007
I rocked out at the gym last night. Weights and cardio. My legs are still shaking today, but I feel good about it. I can’t wait till I have an ipod – I really feel it ... [Continue reading this entry]