Well – yesterday I did manage to convince a local ice cream store to make me a coffee milkshake, despite the fact that it isn’t on their menu. So things seem slightly better now. Shocking, I know. Herdis and I decided to wait for a really nice day to go see Akaroa, so yesterday was pretty chill, which I think I needed. Read Persepolis (which I had been meaning to for ages – it was very good, although I don’t think it’s quite at the level of Maus), read some more of The Meaning of Night and started Further Tales of the City (I love the description of LA from a San Franciscan’s eyes). Watched Munich (very good), and then stayed up late watching a teen horror flick. Meaning I am pretty tired today, but whatever – it was kinda fun. And it ended with this image, so…. yummm.
Haven’t heard about the laptop. I’m still leaning toward repair, even if that isn’t the most cost effective solution in the long run, hopefully it would patch things up long enough… gah. I just don’t know. Maybe I should just back up my hard drive to an external one, so that then I can keep one copy with me, send the other one home, abandon the laptop and get a new one when I get home? Not that I can really afford that either, but…. I don’t know. I need to talk to the tech guy.
Catching up on Friday’s left over work. Ech. I still have a ton to do and no one to help me. Need to go to the gym tonight.
Found an article I read last year that I thought was really interesting. Its about my generation (the millenials) starting work. The important bits, “By 2010, as the exodus of baby boomers from the workforce accelerates, census data suggest, two employees will be leaving for every new hire entering, and new college grads will be a precious commodity.” “The most important thing employers need to know about Millennials is this: They can afford to be choosy. According to WetFeet Research & Consulting in San Francisco, the number of entry-level job seekers receiving multiple offers has been on the rise for five years, and 82% are confident they will find the job they want. The competition is driving up pay.”
Tags: Travel
Persepolis is a good read. Just read Eisner’s ‘New York’ yesterday. Very good. Sorry to hear about the laptop, that is sad.
I have yet to read anything by Eisner. They have Fagin the Jew down at the library, though; I’ve seen it in the (sadly small) graphic novel section. Speaking of which – they have Bone, which I know you liked. What’s it about?
Bone is awesome. It’s very, very funny, a least for the first couple of books. Then the plot reels you in. I have the One Volume Edition at home if the library’s there is incomplete. It’s the kind of thing you want to read in one or two sittings. Smith was also influenced by Walt Kelley, I figured out by page one. But the story is great, and the art is good. What puts it above is the humor, though.