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11 months+

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

I’ve been travelling around the world for more than 11 months now! Go me! (Also I got a compliment on my abilities as a photographer. Yes, it was from a friend, but I’m still thrilled. I think I’ve done a pretty good job.)

I got my power cord yesterday (yay!); 1 day after I ordered it. Got it home and found… it wasn’t the power cord – it was the socket the power cord plugs into. AWESOME. So now I get to take my laptop into a repair shop tomorrow. I did manage to get it to work for about 2 hours last night, by balancing it upright on the old power cord, until that finally snapped completely in half. *sigh*. I just want it to work. I’ve had it for 3 years, but I wasn’t using it for like 9 months of this last year. There is no reason for something as expensive as a laptop to stop working after 2 years and a few months.

I’m deathly scared that the repair guys won’t be able to do anything. Granted – it isn’t nearly as bad as getting something which infects your hard drive, but… God, I can’t need a new computer. I can’t afford it. Mac Books start at like $1100.  And I don’t even know what would be required to move all of my stuff from one laptop to another. Please dear god let my laptop live for a while longer.

I’m refusing to think about it. To more trivial matters;

Ok – So I’m probably seriously behind on this (I’m sure Cleolinda posted about it) but the guy who plays the handsome young Dunstan in Stardust is playing Prince Caspian in the next Narnia film.

Ewww… and the guy who played Septimus played the creepy guy in Sunshine. Speaking of which, I saw Sunshine a couple of nights ago (Yeah – its been a Danny Boyle/ Cillian Murphy couple of days. But I hadn’t been able to grab it at the video store till now and as you all know, I’ve been wanting to see it for ages and ages.) It also had Cliff Curtis in it (he was in Die Hard 4.0 as well – yay Kiwis!). I wish I had been able to see it on the big screen – the visual effects were amazing. I seem to remember the NY Times writing to say that light was practically its own character in the film, which I think is a very apt description. I’m sorry some of the interesting philosophical questions it raised got pushed aside for the mildly creepy bit, but overall I found it interesting and visually gorgeous.

The Septimus guy played Knightly, too. Poor English actors; they all have to do Jane Austen adaptations at some point to keep working.


The seven best westerns since Unforgiven. Yay Jesse James! (Yay also; Dead Man and the 3:10 to Yuma)


There’s an article on Ebert being the most powerful pundit, and it revisits the old “oh my god, college students get their news from the Daily Show theme. Here’s an excerpt about it; “Who else made the top ten? You’ll find Bill Maher and Bill O’Reilly there, but not Howard Stern or Jon Stewart — Forbes decided that Stern and Stewart, although they offer opinions, serve the primary purpose of entertaining. Forbes also finds it “troubling” how many young adults get their news from Stewart’s The Daily Show (what, but Fox counts as “news” in their book? Please.) Just because it’s entertaining doesn’t mean it’s not informative, Forbes — Stewart’s merciless cutting through the crap and political spin is what draws so many of the younger demographic to trust him over mainstream news media. You will find Fox’s Greta Von Susteren on the Forbes list, along with Rosie O’Donnell and Geraldo Rivera (!). Check out the full top ten in pictures or read the full story here.

It’s pretty darn impressive for two guys who write and talk about movies to hold two slots on the Top Ten Pundits list [Ed: Ebert and Maltin], especially at a time when critics are getting canned and consolidated by places like The Village Voice, and the field of film criticism is constantly questioned as to its relevance. The proliferation of individual bloggers writing their thoughts on movies may make it harder for readers to suss out whose opinions to listen to, but at least Ebert and Maltin are still up there.”

Do I get my news from the Daily Show? Hell yes. Some of it at least. And that’s because they do some really smart reports that aren’t on anywhere else. They have interns who sift through the c-span footage to find people saying scary shit. They juxtapose George Bush’s stance on war from when he was governor and when he was pretending to be president. They keep tabs on what the mainstream media is up to.

Pretty much everyone I know who watches the Daily Show also uses other sources for their news; NY Times, local papers or tv shows, bbc, non-profit groups. But you can get a pretty fair idea of political coverage just by watching the Daily Show. And they are certainly the only ones who can take today’s news and make it funny, rather than appalling.

And go film critics.  

Jason Bateman joins state of play.


QC 975 amuses me greatly, because while I know of no pastry shop/ brothel, I believe San Francisco has a pastry shop/ bar called citizen cupcake.

Linkspam from Cleolinda; US cities’ Wi-Fi dreams fading fast.

Glamorous politician wants law to allow 7-year itch.

Cat at center of BBC vote scandal.


David Yates Talks Army of the Dead for “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” Film; More on the Inferi and the Cave Scene from “Half-Blood Prince”;

Ang Lee: Don’t expect much from ‘Lust, Caution.’

Ten Directors Who Could Make an Even Unsexier Sex Movie Than Quentin Tarantino (the imagined pitch for Oliver Stone’s Sex Movie: “It would take place in Vietnam, with a couple of American GIs visiting their friends . . . just going out drinking, committing atrocities, hooking up”).

‘Kite Runner’ actor’s family: Cut rape scene.

Shots from Keira Knightley’s Duchess of Devonshire movie.

Shots of Sienna Miller, Cillian Murphy and Max Minghella in Hippie Hippie Shake.

Pop Sensation AJ Michalka Cast In Jackson’s ‘Lovely Bones.’ I was deeply concerned until I reminded myself that Jackson discovered both Kate Winslet and Orlando Bloom, so he’s got to have good casting instincts. Right? Right?

Field is Lincoln’s First Lady.

Caine on Ledger’s Joker.

Whoops – forgot

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007

Happy solstice everybody! (Autumn if you’re Northern, Vernal if you’re here). You can tell its spring here – all the trees along the avon are spring green and bursting into bloom and all the birdies are nesting.

Also; Cillian Murphy’s pretty, pretty cheekbones.

“I thought he was biting you!” “I was kissing her!”

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007
Ahaha. Zombie movie humor.  Well - a bit to catch up on. Let's see. I was feeling like crap Saturday (see the earlier ... [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, September 21st, 2007
So - I decide to pony up the cash for the new universal power cord, because - hey - I need my laptop to turn on, right? And then I get it home to discover that none of the attachments ... [Continue reading this entry]

This great trial

Thursday, September 20th, 2007
La dee dah. Once again, I've finished all the work I can do till my boss gets back, or people decide to e-mail me back. Oh - I forgot to say that I went to the gym again last night. It ... [Continue reading this entry]

Please don’t take it easy

Thursday, September 20th, 2007
YAY! The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford got an A from EW. (highlight; "the sterling cast includes a fine Sam Rockwell as Ford's brother.") If you like good acting, GO SEE IT!! It's currently ... [Continue reading this entry]

There isn’t enough latex in the world to make this not pretty

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007
Yay! The Daily Show and Colbert Report are back!!! Both are great episodes, Steven's particularly so because the night's word is about the republicans trying to steal electoral votes in California (the courage campaign thing I've been posting about). Go ... [Continue reading this entry]

Current pastime? Downloading pics of Blaqk audio

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007
Hmmm - so what is up with me? I went to the gym tuesday night and rocked out, thankyouverymuch.  Fed the ducks on the river on my way home (they're these really pretty black/white/ and reddish-brown ones). I was going ... [Continue reading this entry]

SFGC for life!

Tuesday, September 18th, 2007
Ok - so I just got my ticket to Davies last night (for those of you who don't know, I've sung at Davies Symphony Hall for the Girls Chorus Christmas concert every year except 2 for the last 16 years. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Daylight licked me into shape

Tuesday, September 18th, 2007
I've finished putting up Ross' columns over on blogger. Check em out; (A personal fave is #42). There are a couple that are out of order, but they are all numbered. I'm totally loving Amphigorey Again (shocking, I know). BUT! ... [Continue reading this entry]