SFGC for life!
Ok – so I just got my ticket to Davies last night (for those of you who don’t know, I’ve sung at Davies Symphony Hall for the Girls Chorus Christmas concert every year except 2 for the last 16 years. Wow – 16… this year will be 17…) anyhoo – there’s a group on facebook called you know you’re an SFGC chorister if…
“* your recycling is filled with near-empty water bottles
* rep checks are/were scarier than finals
* you have had a rep check CD on your iPOD or in your CD player for at least a month [Ed; Ahem. Tape player.]
* you can conduct happy birthday
* your entire planner is filled with little scribbles of: Chorus. Memorize ___. Learn ___. Review ___. etc. etc. etc. …
* you have missed every imaginable type of social event that ever existed. because you had rehearsal. and you never minded. well… almost never…
* you have used rehearsal as an excuse to get out of stuff you didnt want to do
* your parents’ definition of a holiday present is “Tickets To Davies.
* when you were little, your definition of scary was “Beth.”
* you have a pair of “normal” black pants that you have to pair with your red polo shirt. tucked in, or else. [Ed; well it was a white polo shirt when I was young]
* the phrase “jumper and blouse” practically gives you nightmares
* you know your way around davies symphony hall
* when someone asks about meeting mayor willie brown, you’ve been there and done that
* after a few years, you decided you love beth
* disneyland isn’t the happiest place on earth…sfgc camp isĀ
* you know every christmas song in every language
* you refer to other girls in chorus as your sisters
* no matter how much you hate the choreography you know it’s a crowd pleaser
* you KNOW you’re better than every chorus in the WORLD”
God, so so true. I’ve bolded my faves. Yay! Awww…
oh my god – I wonder if choristers today get to meet Gavin. That would be so much cooler than Willie Brown…
Tags: Travel