Do you always begin conversations this way?
Guess who has two beautiful new pieces of hardware sitting on her desk? My ipod is black and sleek (seriously – I think it’s thinner than my old one) and totally gorgeous. And the hard drive external enclosure looks good. After work, I’ll set it up and see how it runs.
It is simultaneously snowing and raining outside (so… 33 degrees? What is this? It’s supposed to be spring!). Walking to go get the new hardware was awesome. First it bucketed down, and then it was hot and sunny by the time I got back. Make up your mind!!
Speaking of which – Halloween in the spring time is just off, somehow. I’m glad I won’t be here for Christmas; I don’t think I could handle a hot Christmas.
(In honor of Halloween month:) Wow – I totally missed this from the banned books list I posted about yesterday, but the Scary Stories Series from Alvin Schwartz are among the most contested books for 2000-2005 and the 90s. I LOVED those books. Yes, they gave me nightmares occasionally, but every kid I knew read them. God, they were fabulous. (Seriously – go to the search inside function from Amazon. Aren’t the drippy paintings awesome?)
I had the most delicious sandwich ever for lunch; from yellow rocket, it was roasted red bell pepper and zucchini (or capsicum and courgette as they say here), rocket, sun dried tomato pesto, and melted brie on a poppyseed bagel. Yummmmm….. I’m so going to get that again.
I was reading more of Further Tales of the City last night and something struck me; at one point a character tosses off that there are 200,000 gays in SF. That can’t be right can it? If San Francisco is 750,00 people, that’s nearly a third of the population. Or was it that way before AIDS really hit (the book is from 1980)? Do they ask about orientation on the census?
Hmm… according to wikipedia (oh so reliable, I know), “San Francisco has the highest percentage of same-sex households of any American county… Gay men outnumber lesbians; it has been estimated that one in five male city residents over the age of 15 is gay.” Since women comprise 49.3% of SF, if you take 1/5th of ½ of 750,000 you get 75,000 gay guys.
Other interesting facts, “With nearly 16,000 people per square mile, San Francisco is the second most densely populated major American city.[79]” San Francisco is a minority-majority city, as non-Hispanic whites comprise less than half of the population. As of 2005, the Census Bureau estimated that 44.1 percent of the population was non-Hispanic white.[81]
“Just under 30 percent of the city’s school-age population attends one of San Francisco’s more than 100 private or parochial schools, compared to a 10 percent rate nationwide.[97] [that’s me!]… Among the most prominent private high schools in San Francisco are St. Ignatius College Preparatory and Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory.” Ummm… no. SI maybe, but how about University and Lick? Also, apparently Lowell is the oldest public high school west of the Mississippi. Who knew?
Wow – etymologies of street names in SF. They’re missing Balboa, among others.
Passed along to me by Saki: No Hugs Allowed At Ill. Middle School (seriously – that’s like banning back rubs. SO WRONG.)While we’re on SF: the Symphony gala
And: the top 10 fictional places (Hey! Travel stuff!)) and fictional travellers to imitate.
Presiding US Episcopal bishop affirms same sex unions while speaking at Grace Cathedral
From Kristl; Is Hillary the new old Al Gore?
From my mom: Tweens Love Broadway, but Can’t Save It Alone I pointed out that teenagers are a large part of why RENT has become the 6th longest running bway musical (that, and you know, that it’s brilliant). But RENT, Avenue Q, and Wicked (which the article discusses) do have larger fan bases than just teenagers. I’m still sort of appalled that Legally blond is on broadway. Same with the Wedding singer. And Xanadu. Damn you Mel Brooks! See what you started? (OK – on the flip side, from movies we do get Spamalot, Hairspray – which I haven’t seen, but it’s supposed to be good, and the Lion King). Hey! Spring Awakening is still playing. I want to see that….
Apparently you can download Hotel Chevalier at itunes.
The hottest 25 under 25. In other words, people who are my age (or younger) and far, far, far more successful than I can ever hope to be.
Also; Where are they now; Princess Bride 20 years on. (20 years??)
One sheet for Walk Hard. See… I’m excited about the cast (with Jenna Fisher and Justin Long, how could I not be?) but the trailer was a little… meh.
Animated credits for Love in the time of cholera. One of the few books I’ve started and not finished, so now I need to get on that.
Cleolinda on why you should boycott the seeker. I’m like her; I’ve only read one of the books so far, but the trailer (which I got again when I went to see Stardust) looks just appalling.
The SFGate tech rating for my new ipod: iPod Classic Cnet rating: 8 out of 10 (excellent)
The good: Just like the fifth-generation iPod with video, only slimmer, tougher and injected with a more visually rich graphical user interface.
The bad: Video output requires a proprietary cable; audio quality has not improved; some older iPod video accessories may not be compatible; requires the latest version of iTunes, which may not work on some older computer systems.
The bottom line: Few can match the iPod Classic’s combination of storage capacity, battery life and advanced user interface. Most impressive improvement: an overhauled, split-screen menu.
HEE!!! I can’t wait to get it up and running.
Musica: This time imperfect (live) – AFI, words – Kate Miller-heidke, Father Lucifer (live) – Tori (yay! I’ve been missing my tori so much and this is a good performance of this song. I prefer one of the bootleg versions slightly, but I can’t find it on youtube). More Tori live: concertina, precious things, sugar
Tags: Travel
The number of gays in the 70s sounds a bit exaggerated, but the fact that one in five is gay there NOW seems like too few…speaking as a single woman, the dearth of available single men in SF is appalling! I even had trouble finding young, unmarried straight guys to date when I was in my 20s and rather pretty…
SI and Sacred Heart are much larger than Lick or University. That’s why they’re probably mentioned first. It didn’t say that they were the most prestigious, or the hardest to get into.
NPR interviewed the writer of the Seeker books. She’s appalled, too. The only thing that I can understand about how they ruined the books is that they changed the main character to an American 13-year old b/c the director didn’t want ANOTHER movie about an 11-year old English boy who finds out he’s magical. But the writer said that she chose 11 specifically because it was pre-puberty. She was too polite to say anything about their making him a Yank. (Although she’s married to one and lives in MA.)
Ah – well “most prominent” sounded like most prestigious to me.
I tried to look up the SF county census, but I couldn’t access the web page. And I’m not sure if they’d ask about orientation anyways. Tis a mystery.
Wow – I didn’t realize Susan Cooper was still around. How awful for her.
I need to go read the series because I don’t really remember much about the one I read, except I seem to remember that there were 3 children involved.
I agree wholeheartedly with Cleolinda–I started to read the list of ways the movie is different from the book, and it made me feel so depressed and sick to my stomach that I had to stop… It’s one of my favorite books, and it sounds as though all they’ve done is take a few threads of the original story, trash the rest of the plot in favor of something sexier and more Hollywood, and give it the same title. Actually, not even the same title. Bleagh. Stay far, far away from this movie. Oh, and you should definitely read the rest of the series (the one I gave you was the first one, and the one the movie is allegedly based on is the second, and my favorite).
Anyway, sorry for the long post, just had to join in the venting…I’ll send you a real email soon, after I make it through my gastroenterology test this Friday. Hope you’re doing well!
Yeah – I think I’m definitely going to read the rest of the series now. I’m almost done with Further tales and just got Good Omens and Stardust out, but after that…
Good luck on the test! How’s vet school going? Any cool animals/subjects this term?