BootsnAll Travel Network

Updated Budget (January 19, 2008)

Since we’ve changed our travel plans from our original itinerary, I’ve also updated our budget to reflect the changes, making it (thankfully), less expensive. So, here’s the revised budget.


2nd World 3rd World
E. Europe S. America, China & Thailand
3 Months 9 Months

Breakdown of expenses:

Advance Expenses $1,000.00
Travel Insurance $600.00
Air Tickets $3,500.00
Long-distance bus and
train tickets
2nd World $500.00
3rd World $750.00
2nd World @$12/day $1,080.00
3rd World @ $8/day $2,200.00
2nd World @$10/day $900.00
3rd World @$6/day $1,650.00
Local Transport and Sundries
2nd World @$6/day $5400.00
3rd World @$2/day $550.00
Replacement clothing $400.00
Books & Maps $100.00
Souvenirs $300.00
Contingency fund $2,000.00
Total $16,070.00
+10% for padding $17,677.00

So, $35,354.00 total for a year around the world. That’s really not a lot when you think about it. It costs around that much for one person to live for a year in the Bay Area (unless you live in a shared apartment/house… and even then it’d be cutting it close).

There you have it. Unless we drastically change our minds between now and June 3, this is probably our final budget. Once we leave we’re not planning on raising any more money, so even if our trip changes, this is our goal for what to raise before we go.

(I did a slight update as I realized that I forgot to add in travel insurance to the budget. It ups it a bit, but we think that the peace of mind travel insurance affords is well worth the extra cost.)

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