135 days…The Official Trip Countdown begins!
That’s right, you know what that means, we just bought our first set of tickets to Peru! (Yippee! Woo hoo! *dance, dance, dance* Yay!)
We are officially leaving San Francisco on June 3 (at 1:45 am…yikes) and arriving in Lima, Peru (after a 5 hour layover in El Salvador) at 6:25 pm. We had the option of an 1 1/2 hour layover in El Salvador on the way there, but it just seemed like that was cutting it a little too close for comfort. So, 5 hours it is. No biggee. After the 8 1/2 hours I spent in the Detroit airport on the way to Paris, I’m not sure if anything could phase me. (Although, granted, the Detroit airport has lots of fun features like the red shuttle train that goes from one end of the station to the other and the glowy, conveyor-belt tube with all the colored light patterns and the sperm-like water fountain that does a choreographed dance. Now that I think about it, the Detroit airport is sort of like Disneyland, so maybe this will be a bit harder than I think.) Lima is on East cost time, so it’s only 3 hours ahead of San Francisco, which should make it a lot easier with concerns to jet lag. We’ll just have to do our best to sleep on the planes.
We got tickets for $680 each through Taca Airlines–which I think is a really good deal (please don’t tell me if it isn’t or if you’ve found much cheaper tickets. I really don’t want to know). We’ll be flying back to San Francisco on September 2. Ideally we wouldn’t be coming back, but it’s much cheaper to fly round trip to Lima and then go from SF to Beijing, China. So, that’s what we’re going to do. We’ll probably only stay in the states for a couple of days. We can bathe, eat In-and-Out Burger, and drop off/pick up stuff for the rest of our trip. And it’ll give Steve a chance to visit his family and me a chance to call mine and actually talk to them (maybe one of the very few times over the next year that I’ll get to do this, but who knows?).
135 days seems like a long time, but it’s only about 4 1/2 months which doesn’t seem nearly as long. And I’m going to fly to Birmingham on May 14th to visit my friends, then drive with my mom to Pennsylvania to visit my family, and then drive to Maryland to visit my sister, and then fly back to Oakland on May 30 (one day after my mom’s 50th birthday, so I’ll get to spend that with her which should be fun. I have to think of really good mean things to do to her that day… any suggestions?). So, really, my travels start a little sooner. And I’ll definitely miss Steve the 2 1/2 weeks that I’m away (the longest we’ve been away from each other in 3 years), but I’ll be back in time for the 4 year anniversary of the day we met (June 1), and then we’ll be with each other every day, most days probably without anyone else to talk to, for a year. Maybe the little break will be good!
I’m sure somewhere under all of my excitement I’m nervous about the trip being really, really, actually (really!) real now, but for now I’m just excited about the good flight deal, and that in June I’ll be in Peru with Steve!
(Side note: We bought a Rough Guides to Peru book at the library for $0.25! It’s only 2 years old, and I don’t think we’ll use guidebooks for finding hostels or for pricing things, but more for neat things to do, so it shouldn’t really matter. Good eye, Steve!)
Tags: Itinerary, Peru, Pre-Trip Planning, tickets
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