Day 4: Dovan to Deurali
A lazy wakeup is overcast by heavy rain pouring outside the lodge, but it eventually subsides. With the shortest day of the journey ahead of us, we continue the trek at 10am and start a solid day of climbing relentlessly uphill.
We pass through an amazingly overgrown section of rainforest; teaming with life and abundant in varying shades of green texture! Intricate details stem from the most miniscule hints of moss growing on stone and timber. A myriad of makeshift wood bridges shake underfoot across river ravines and the ubiquitous waterfalls!

Slowly, the vibrant color fades away to barren rock and lifeless trees as we ascend further into the Himalayas. Buried deep in the haze of a cloud we struggle further upwards to meet a light patter of hail. By the time we reach the next lodge the landscape has already accumulated a thick white powder.
See all of my photos from Day 4
Tags: - Photography, - Transport & Travel, Annapurna, Asia, Himalaya, Nepal, Nepal: ABC Trek, Trek
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