Day 2: Chitwan National Park

Another early rise, but this time instead of mounting the motorcycle I find myself climbing on top of an elephant. A very surreal morning spent spotting Rhinos through the foggy jungle is only the start to a bizarre day filled with elephants; from the first sight of an one walking through the morning mist to their bathing-time at noon and finally a visit to the Elephant Breeding Center to see babies chained to large posts.
See all of my photos from the Elephant Safari
See all of my photos from the Elephant Bathing
See all of my photos from the Elephant Breeding Center
Somewhere amongst all of this I managed to squeeze in a visit to one of the local Tharu farming villages. By the end of the day, I was showering out of a bucket before eating a meal on the riverside.
See all of my photos from the Tharu Villages
Tags: - Photography, Asia, Elephant, Nepal, Nepal: Bullets over Nepal, Safari
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