7 Days in Tibet: Day 7
. Escape from China .
4:30am: Awake for the trip to the Nepali border and happily get into a capable Land Crusier with a competent driver and a couple friends I knew from the train ride to Lhasa. We make our way across the incredibly perilous and bumpy road through the Himalayas before the daytime road construction commences. Fortunately it is pitch-black; although we are missing the amazing vistas in the Himalayan range, we are also oblivious to the extremely lethal four thousand meter drops on either side of the insanely rugged road that our Landcruiser is speedily bouncing along. Our driver turns out to be a pro and navigates us safely to the borer with spare time to kill.

On the way, the other travelers share stories about amazing adventures and exciting interaction with their guides. The feeling of satisfaction with my decision to split off begins to overwhelm me; at least I am leaving with a positive cap to an otherwise negative spiral during my last days Tibet. The positive memories begin to take hold, and the anticipation for a new country, non-arctic climate, healthy oxygen content and promise of a seven-day over due shower fills my body with excitement.
see all of my random photo from the road trip in Tibet
Before noon, I step over the red line in the middle of the friendship bridge and officially leave the sometimes amazing, sometimes confounding country of China. Today I stand in the Indian-Subcontinent in the promising country of Nepal!
Tags: - Reflection, - Transport & Travel, Asia, China, China: Tibet, Nepal, Road Trip, Tibet
I’m a little disappointed. I thought you were going to highjack the Land Cruiser! Let me guess… Han Chinese guide that knows, nor cares to know, anything about Tibet?
VERY awesome that you went overland!
I’m a journalist for British TV company ITV News and wanted to speak to somebody in Lhasa about the escalating tension there.
Could please get in touch on 0207 430 4411 or email me?